Where Are The Flow Batteries? – We Need Them Now!

COP 28 revealed again the importance of controlling emissions if we are to meet our sustainability targets.

One of the many side meetings at COP 28 drew attention to boosting stationary battery storage development and deployment: the need to reduce technology costs and build a transparent battery supply chain to promote grid stability, reliability, and support the integration of renewable energy (more here). Flow battery companies used COP 28 to illustrate their achievements and progress.

Last week, the UK government issued its consultation on the commercial methodology to increase the deployment of long duration energy storage (more here). This week, the USA’s National Consortium for the Advancement of Long Duration Energy Storage Technologies will be launched.

These are just a few of the many examples showing the inherent need for energy storage, and the particular concern that we must include larger and longer duration battery systems in the energy mix. The background data for the UK consultation reports that flow battery developers see potential cost reductions of 30- 35% up to 2035, and 70-80% out to 2050. Technology is not standing still.

But commercial pressures are increasing and the need to achieve sustainability targets is a high priority, leading to an obvious market need for all types of storage. If you want to find out where the flow batteries are, and whether they can fill this role, reserve the dates for the IFBF conference now! (Spoiler: it’s 25-27 June 2024)

At our meeting in Glasgow, we will address flow battery technology solutions, commercial arrangements, and application use cases.  We will hear about the latest deployments of flow batteries, recent advances in technology, manufacturing, financing, alliances as well as discussing policy issues, regulatory challenges, and the pressures and successes in the supply chain.

IMPORTANT: Our call for papers and presentations is open until the end of January – please visit www.flowbatteryforum.com if you would like to tell us about your flow battery work.  Best wishes from the flow battery team.


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