Each year presenters at an IFBF conference are asked to write a short, standalone paper to support their presentation. These papers are very informative; reporting on the latest progress in research programmes and providing views on the technical and commercial operation of flow batteries, materials, and components. Papers are then published in a book of Conference Papers, serving as a permanent record of the conference and a reference for others.
To date, the IFBF has published over 600 papers. Below is a complete list of published papers.
Lists of conference papers are also available as pdf files: All (2010-2024), 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.
Please contact us at info@flowbatteryforum.com if you would like to purchase a printed book or ebook of Conference Papers.
IFBF 2024
IFBF 2024 List of Conference Papers
Print ISBN: 978-1-9162004-4-9
Iron salt battery: challenges and advances
Page 12
John P. Alper
VoltStorageGmbH, Germany
Organic SolidFlow Technology – combining flow and solid-state battery systems
Page 14
Norbert Bartetzko, Christoph Hengst
CMBlu Energy AG, Alzenau, Germany
Testing and evaluation of stack materials
Page 16
Martin Bayer, Thorsten Seipp, Philipp Schröder, Damian Pandel
Volterion GmbH & Co. KG, Dortmund, Germany
Ton-scale electrosynthesis of quinone negolytes and their cycling performance in commercial flow battery hardware
Page 20
Eugene Beh, Meisam Bahari, Advaith Murali, Amir Sina Hamedi, Veenasri Vallem, Peter Symons
Quino Energy, Inc., San Leandro, CA, USA Electrosynthesis Company, Inc., Lancaster, NY, USA
Flow battery for refinery island, Singapore
Page 22
Arjun Bhattarai
VFlowTech Pte Ltd, Singapore
Techno-economic analysis of redox flow batteries: a methodological overview
Page 24
Aldo Bischi, Diana Cremoncini, Giuseppina Di Lorenzo, Guido Francesco Frate, Andrea Baccioli, Lorenzo Ferrari, Antonio Bertei
Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Constructions Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Gaining scale, climbing the learning curve and lowering flow battery costs
Page 28
Uwe Bögershausen, Jan Grosse Austing
VANEVO GmbH, Germany
Flow battery activities at the University of Strathclyde
Page 30
Edward Brightman, Stuart Robertson, Stephen Lyth, Ryan Sims, Paul Tuohy, Leo Lue, Dowon Bae, Leonard Berlouis
Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
PNDC, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UKMechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom
Long duration energy storage down under
Page 32
Jill Cainey
Erne Energy, Wynyard, Australia
Detail investigation of VFB stack with a focus on single cell
Page 34
Jiří Charvát, Jaromír Pocedič, Jiří Vrána
New Technologies – Research Centre, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
Pinflow energy storage, s.r.o., Plzen, Czech Republic
Vanadium redox flow battery as an energy storage system for hybrid microgrid application
Page 36
Bin-Hao Chen, Namo Neanchaleay, Ching-Chen Wu
Department of Vehicle Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei City, Taiwan
Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratoriest, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Tainan City, Taiwan
System integration, use cases and operation of 8MWh DC coupled vanadium flow batteries with solar farms in Australia and Canada
Page 38
Jean-Louis Cols
Invinity Energy Systems, Bathgate, Scotland, UK
Multiphysics modeling of a novel non-aqueous redox flow battery (NAQRFB)
Page 40
Mirko D’Adamo, Nicolas Daub, Juan Manuel Paz, Lluís Trilla, Jose Saez
Smart Energy, N Vision Systems And Technologies, Barcelona, Spain
IREC – Fundació Institut de Recerca en Energía de Catalunya, Sant Adrià del Besòs, Spain
Molecular Materials and Nanosystems & Institute for Complex Molecular Systems, University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad de Malaga, Malaga, Spain
Electrochemical flow modelling of a semi-solid flow battery
Page 42
Simone Dussi, Antoni Brentjes, Dimitris Ntagkras, Adriana Rioja Cabanillas, Riccardo Zaffaroni, Michele Tedesco
Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics, TNO, Delft, The Netherlands
Sustainable Processes and Energy Systems, TNO, Rijswijk, The Netherlands
Continuously produced bipolar plates via extrusion – challenges & opportunities in mass-production
Page 44
Maximilian Fischer, Torsten Derieth
Centroplast Engineering Plastics GmbH, Marsberg, Germany
3cD – compounding, coaching, consulting – Derieth, Uedem, Germany
Pathways to high energy / power density redox flow battery
Page 46
Cristina Flox, Dino Tonti, Nieves Casañ-Pastor, Juan Manuel Pérez
Department of Electrical Energy Storage, Iberian Centre for Research in Energy Storage, Campus University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain
Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona, CSIC, Campus UAB, Barcelona, Spain
The development and characterisation of a kW scale soluble lead flow battery
Page 48
Ewan Fraser, Richard Wills, Andrew Cruden
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Framework for evaluating electrochemical characteristic of vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 50
Peiyuan Gao, Emily G. Saldanha, Yangang Liang, Zhijie Xu, Amanda A. Howard, Wei Wang
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, USA
Flow batteries with zinc electrode – deposition and battery operation at various pH
Page 52
David Gráf, Přemysl Richtr, Petr Šimek, Petr Mazúr, Jaromír Pocedič, Juraj Kosek
Dep. of Chemical Engineering, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czechia
New Technologies – Research Centre, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czechia
Cost engineering for key stack components (bipolar plate, electrode) in the GW scaled LDES market
Page 54
Dr. Hartmut Gross, Dr. Hendrik Hemmelmann
Schunk Kohlenstofftechnik GmbH, New Business & Technology, Heuchelheim, Germany
A coupled hydraulic and electrochemical stack and system model for aqueous organic flow battery: the MV/TEMPTMA system
Page 56
Xinjie Guan, Maria Skyllas-Kazacos, Chris Menictas
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UNSW, Sydney, Australia
School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW, Sydney, Australia
CENELEST, German-Australian Alliance for Electrochemical Technologies for Storage of Renewable Energy, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UNSW, Sydney, Australia.
Techno-economic investigation on VFB future profitability
Page 58
Massimo Guarnieri, Nicola Poli, Cinzia Bonaldo, Michele Moretto
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padua, Padova, Italy
RSE SpA, Milan, Italy
Department of Economics and Management, University of Padua, Padova, Italy
Recent developments in vanadium flow battery systems at H2, Inc.
Page 60
Jeehyang Huh, Shin Han
H2, Inc., Daejeon, Republic of Korea
From Lab to Megawatts: The evolution of TEMPO-based organic flow batteries
Page 62
Tobias Janoschka, Yutong Zhu
Jena Flow Batteries GmbH, Jena, Germany
The advantages and challenges of the iron-lead single-flow battery for large-scale energy storage
Page 64
Fengjing Jiang, Yang Fan, Weilong Jiang, Jiaxuan Zhang, Mingruo Hu
CIC energiGUNE, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Reliability testing of redox flow battery cell stacks
Page 66
Takashi Kanno, Katsuya Yamanishi, Takefumi Ito
Redox Flow Battery System Division, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd, Osaka, Japan
Empowering LDES: GES disruptive hydrogen flow battery
Page 68
Thomas Zakaria El Koura, Eneko Azàceta, Luca Barattini, Michele Tribbia, Pietro Iurilli, Francesca Niccolai, Ilaria Pucher
R&D Department, Green Energy Storage Srl, Trento, Italy
Investigating the electrochemical behaviour of iron/hydrogen recombination cell in iron/iron redox flow batteries
Page 70
Challuri Sai Venkata Akhil Kumar, Jens Noack
Applied Electrochemistry, Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT, 76327 Pfinztal, Germany
German-Australian Alliance for Electrochemical Technologies for Storage of Renewable Energy (CENELEST), UNSW Sydney NSW 2052, Australia
Investigating the effects of catholyte additives on the performance of lithium polysulfide flow batteries
Page 72
Thomas Leckie, Pasidu Palawella, Dr Stuart Robertson, Dr Edward Brightman
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
StorTera Ltd., Edinburgh, UK
Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Commercialization of a novel Fe-Cr complex long-duration flow battery
Page 74
Liyu Li and Qingtao Luo
Cougar Creek Technologies, LLC. Kirkland, WA 98034 USA
Accelerating the development of non-PFAS options for VFB membranes
Page 76
Elisha Martin
Invinity Energy Systems, Bathgate, Scotland, UK
Demonstration of an aqueous Zn/Mn redox flow battery
Page 78
Eleonora Natale, Federico Lissandrello, Eugenio Gibertini, Luca Magagnin
Surface and Electrochemical Engineering Laboratory, Dip. Chimica, Materiali e Ing. Chimica G.Natta, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Effects of aluminum, iron, and manganese sulfate impurities on the vanadium redox flow battery
Page 80
Maedeh Pahlevaninezhad, Ehsan Aminfar, Majid Pahlevani, Edward Roberts
Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Calgary, 2500 University Dr NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada
Centre for Energy Research and Clean Unconventional Technology Solutions, ARIS, SAIT, Aldred Centre, Calgary, AB T2M 0L4, Canada
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Queen’s University, 99 University Avenue, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6, Canada
Vanadium market supply and demand
Page 82
Terry Perles
Director, US Vanadium, Hot Springs, Arkansas
Developing safe, stable and sustainable vanadium supply chain for flow battery industry in Europe
Page 86
Dr. Jana Plananska
Director EU & Government Affairs, Norge Mineraler AS, Egersund, Norway.
Capacity decay due to imperfect electrolyte mixing inside VFB tanks
Page 88
Pablo A. Prieto-Díaz, Ange A. Maurice, Andrea Tròvo, Massimo Guarnieri, Marcos Vera
Dept. of Thermal and Fluids Engineering, University Carlos III of Madrid, 28911 Leganés, Spain
Dept. of Industrial Engineering, University of Padua, 35131, Padova, Italy
Optimised partial remixing procedure to mitigate capacity loss in imbalanced vanadium flow batteries
Page 90
Thomas Puleston, Giacomo Marini, Andrea Trovò, Maria Serra, Ramon Costa, Massimo Guarnieri
Institut de Robótica i Informática Industrial, Polytechnic University of Catolonia, Barcelona, Spain
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padua, Padua, Italy
Membraneless micro redox flow battery operating with inorganic and organic redox species
Page 92
Alberto E. Quintero, Beatriz Oraá-Poblete, Daniel Perez-Antolin, Alberto Bernaldo de Quirós, Ange A. Maurice2, María J. Torres
R&D Department, Micro Electrochemical Technologies S.L., Leganés, Spain
Thermal Engineering and Fluid Mechanics Department, University Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés, Spain
Structure of Matter, Thermal Physics, and Electronics Department, University Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Novel voltage control for C&I storage enabling seamless transition between grid-connected and island operation
Page 94
Reshma Krishnan Radhakrishnan, Martin Steuber Application Engineer
R&D MF Engineering, TRUMPF Hüttinger GmbH + Co. KG, Freiburg, Germany
The role of energy density for grid-scale batteries
Page 96
David Reber, Sam R. Jarvis, Michael Marshak
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Dübendorf, Switzerland Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, USA Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, USA
Mapping the low-temperature stability of vanadium electrolyte
Page 98
Alasdair P. M. Robertson, Emma Wilson, Adam H. Whitehead
Invinity Energy Systems, Bathgate, Scotland
Valuation methodology for the risk and performance analysis of non-hazardous flow battery chemistries
Page 100
Milan Selle, Jan Girschik, Jens Burfeind, Anna Grevé
Electrochemical Energy Storage, Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Oberhausen, Germany
The Kashiwazaki City, Japan, long duration flow battery energy storage project
Page 102
Toshikazu Shibata, Takuya Sano, Yosuke Sato, Shuji Hayashi, Kazuyuki Kamada
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
Assessment of electrical safety risks associated with electrolyte leakage in VFBs
Page 104
Bing Shu, Lai Wei, Jie Bao, Ke Meng, Maria Skyllas-Kazacos
School of Chemical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
School of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Characterisation of single cell performances within a ten-cell zinc/polyiodide flow battery stack
Page 106
Lukas Siefert, Kevin Brandt, Falko Mahlendorf, Harry Hoster
Department of Energy Technology, University Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany
Development of a membraneless redox flow battery
Page 27
Athanasios Stergiou, Andinet Ejigu, Lewis Le Fevre, Amr Elgendy, Robert Dryfe
HalioGen Power, Manchester, UK
Chemistry, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Chronoamperometric state-of-charge measurements in redox flow battery electrolytes: Method overview and opportunities
Page 108
Christian Stolze, Ivan A. Volodin, Martin D. Hager, Ulrich S. Schubert
Laboratory of Organic and Macromolecular
Chemistry (IOMC), Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany
Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry
Jena (CEEC Jena), Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany
Long term multi-observable data for a state of charge and crossover description of vanadium flow batteries
Page 110
Thorsten Struckmann*, Niklas Janshen
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany
Enhancing zinc-iodine flow battery performance: the role of ammonium acetate and bromide additives in cyclability and current density improvement
Page 112
Phonnapha Tangthuam, Manasswee Suttipong, Suttipong Wannapaiboon, Pinit Kidkhunthod, Soorathep Kheawhom
Department of Chemical Technology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand Synchrotron Light Research Institute, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Analytical bipolar modelling for redox flow battery design
Page 114
Kunyapat Thummavichai, Prashant Agrawal, and Stephen Campbell
Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering Department, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK
The Dualflow hybrid flow battery system
Page 116
Kathryn Toghill, Luis Pinho, Mikhail Petrov, Anders Bienten, Filippo Fenini, Lars Pleth Nielsen, Kevin Lam, Micheal Scanlon, Eero Kontturi, Neptun Yousefi and Pekka Peljo
Department of Chemistry, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK;
Department of Engineering, Aarhus, DK
ASP, Denmark,
Department of Chemistry, Greenwich University, London, UK;
University of Limerick, Ireland
Aalto University, Finland;
Turku University, Turku, Finland
Policy spotlight: navigating current regulations and proposals in the European Union
Page 118
Beata Viršumirska, Anthony Price
Flow Batteries Europe, Brussels, Belgium
Vanadium flow battery – A field performance study proving a success story and technological advances
Page 122
Adam H. Whitehead, Jie Sun, Martin Harrer, Fabio Denner
Enerox GmbH, Lower Austria, Austria
Materials advancements in flow battery technology
Page 124
Vicki Wright, Ajith Soman, Ethan Bexley, Srijita Nundy
Technical Fibre Products Ltd, Burneside, Cumbria
Applications and markets of VFB in MENA
Page 126
Gary Yang
KyRo-Green LLC, WA, USA
Towards semi-solid organic redox flow batteries: material screening, electrochemical performance, and reactor design optimization
Page 128
Riccardo Zaffaroni, Adriana Rioja Cabanillas, Dimitris Ntagkras, Antoni Brentjes, Simone Dussi, Michele Tedesco
TNO Sustainable Processes and Energy Systems, Rijswijk, The Netherlands
TNO Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics, Rijswijk, The Netherlands
An AI-enabled platform for energy storage value maximization
Page 130
Hamid Zareipour, Manizheh Alipour
Electrical and Software Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
Arcus Power, Calgary, Canada
The future is now: Insights into China’s flow battery and energy storage market
Page 132
Yutong Zhu, Tobias Janoschka
Jena Flow Batteries GmbH, Jena, Germany
IFBF 2023
IFBF 2023 List of Conference Papers
Print ISBN: 978-1-9162004-3-2
Low cost in situ electrosynthesis and cycling of quinone negolytes in a commercial flow battery stack
Page 12
Meisam Bahari, Eugene Beh, Advaith Murali, Amir Sina Hamedi, Peter Symons, Lauren Rosch, Yan Jing, Roy Gordon, Michael Aziz
Quino Energy, Inc., San Leandro, CA, USA Electrosynthesis Company, Inc., Lancaster, NY, USA Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cambridge, MA, USA
Polyoxometalate-based redox flow batteries
Page 14
Ángela Barros, Unai Eletxigerra, Estibaliz Aranzabe, Beñat Artetxe, Juan Manuel Gutiérrez-Zorrilla
Surface Chemistry and Nanotechnology Unit, Tekniker, Eibar, Spain
Organic and Inorganic Chemistry Department, Universidad del Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU), Leioa, Spain
Business opportunities for flow batteries in south and south east Asia
Page 104
Arjun Bhattarai
VFlowTech Pte. Ltd. 8 Cleantech Loop Block E, #06-62, Singapore 637145
Parametrization and validation of a tool for the electrical design of tubular redox flow stacks
Page 16
Fabian Brandes, Antonio Chica Lara, Thorsten Struckmann
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany
Instituto de Tecnología Química, Universitat
Politècnica de València, Spain
Seasonal storage for excess solar energy on farms in Norway
Page 18
Ingrid Røstad Brøndbo, Steve Völler, Ellen Loxley-Slåttsveen
Department of Electric Energy, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Bryte Batteries, Trondheim, Norway
A novel hydroxylated tetracationic viologen for aqueous flow batteries: [(DMAE-Pr)2-Vi]
Page 20
C. Caianiello, L.F. Arenas, T. Turek, R. Wilhelm
Institut für Organische Chemie, Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Institut of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Research Center Energy Storage Technologies (EST), Clausthal University of Technology, Goslar, Germany
Thin film composite anion exchange membranes for vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 22
Chiari Van Cauter, Maarten Cools, Ivo Vankelecom
Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Study of the properties of iron/iron redox flow batteries
Page 24
Sai Venkata Akhil Kumar Challuri, Jens Noack
Applied Electrochemistry, Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT, 76327 Pfinztal, Germany. German-Australian Alliance for Electrochemical Technologies for Storage of Renewable
Energy (CENELEST), UNSW Sydney NSW 2052, Australia
Vanadium flow battery industrial applications: wastewater plant in Scotland
Page 26
Jean-Louis Cols
Invinity Energy Systems, Bathgate, Scotland, UK
Vanadium flow battery performance in commercial operation
Page 28
Jean-Louis Cols
Invinity Energy Systems, Bathgate, Scotland, UK
Cost and performance targets for competitive aqueous organic redox flow battery systems
Page 30
Diana Cremoncini, Aldo Bischi, Andrea Baccioli, Lorenzo Ferrari
Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Constructions Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Porous (S)PSf membranes for pH-neutral aqueous organic flow batteries
Page 32
Jannes Deprez, Guy Koeckelberghs, Ivo Vankelecom
Department of Microbial and Molecular systems, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Department of Chemistry, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Integrating H2-X flow batteries with H2 pipeline infrastructure
Page 34
Willem-Jan van Dijk, Wiebrand Kout
Elestor B.V., Arnhem, The Netherlands
Accelerating the deployment of VRFBs for long-term storage solutions by electrolyte standardization
Page 36
Elena Fischer, David Kienbaum, Yifeng Li, Christina Schubert, Thomas Lüth
J.M. Voith SE & Co. KG, St. Pöltener Straße 43, 89522 Heidenheim, Germany
Techno-economic comparison of different organic flow batteries based on experimental data versus a vanadium flow battery
Page 38
Daniel Gerlach, Katharina Bischof, Chloé Le Boulch, Jens Noack, Nataliya Roznyatovskaya, Maria Skyllas-Kazacos, Karsten Pinkwart
Fraunhofer-Institute for Chemical Technology, Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 7, 76327 Pfinztal, Germany
German-Australian Alliance for Electrochemical Technologies for Storage of Renewable Energy, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney NSW 2052, Australia
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney NSW 2052, Australia
Chemical Engineering, University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney NSW 2052, Australia
A three-dimensional hydraulic model for flow battery stack design optimisation
Page 42
Xinjie Guan, Maria Skyllas-Kazacos, Chris Menictas, Jens Noack
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UNSW, Sydney, Australia
School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW, Sydney, Australia Fraunhofer-Institute for Chemical Technology, Pfinztal, Germany
CENELEST, German-Australian Alliance for Electrochemical Technologies for Storage of Renewable Energy, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UNSW, Sydney, Australia
Framework for evaluating electrochemical characteristic of vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 44
Jinho Ha, Jung-Il Choi
School of Mathematics and Computing (Computational Science and Engineering), Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Development of Fe-V flow battery for applications in the Middle East
Page 41
Ahmad Hammad, Issam Thaher Amr, Shiyu Wang, Gary Yang
Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco), Dharan, Saudi Arabia
RongKe Power Ltd. Inc. (RKP), Dalian, China.
KyRo-Green Energy LLC, Seattle, USA
Reduction of pumping losses of a vanadium flow battery by integrated flow channels
Page 46
Matthias Haslbeck, Michael Radspieler, Matthias Rzepka
Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research, Garching near Munich, Germany
South Korean energy storage market opportunities
Page 49
Jeehyang Huh, Shin Han
H2, Inc., Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Manufacturing the next generation of redox flow battery electrodes via non-solvent induced phase separation
Page 61
Rémy Richard Jacquemond, Charles Tai-Chieh Wan, Yet-Ming Chiang, Zandrie Borneman, Fikile Richard Brushett, Kitty Nijmeijer, Antoni Forner-Cuenca
Technical University Eindhoven, Eindhoven, Netherlands Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA
Long term multi-observable measurements for SOC/SOH analysis and crossover modelling
Page 50
Niklas Janshen, Antonio Chica Lara, Thorsten Struckmann
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany
Instituto de Tecnología Química, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Effect of temperature on battery performance of organic-zinc redox flow batteries
Page 52
Atsushi Kaiho, Tomoya Yamaji, Inaba Kenichi, Tomoya Nakajima, Keisuke Mitsui, Hideki Ichihara, Ryo Saka
Nippon Kayaku Co., Ltd, Tokyo, Japan
A kW-vanadium flow battery system integrated with solar power
Page 54
Chih-Hsing Leu, Chin-Hung Lin, Cyun-Jie Huang, Kuoen Chang, Li-Tao Teng
Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Tainan 711, Taiwan, ROC
Sow Shin Aluminium Co., Ltd, Tainan 711, Taiwan, ROC
Low-cost coating technology for flow battery bipolar plates and electrodes
Page 56
Changning Li, Srija Mulkhopadhyay, Conghua “CH” Wang
TreadStone Technologies, Inc. Princeton, NJ, USA
Demonstration of near neutral Fe-Cr redox flow battery
Page 58
Liyu Li, Qingtao Luo, Xiangming Wang, Qinqing Shi
Cougar Creek Technologies, LLC. Kirkland, WA, USA
Comparison study of different commercial vanadium redox flow battery stacks
Page 62
Yifeng Li, David Kienbaum, Thomas Lüth
J.M. Voith SE & Co. KG, St. Pöltener Straße 43, 89522 Heidenheim, Germany
Understanding the Norwegian market for flow batteries
Page 73
Ellen Loxley-Slåttsveen
Head of Growth, Bryte AS, Trondheim, Norway
Chromium chelate electrolyte: fundamentals to scale-up
Page 64
Michael Marshak
Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, USA
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute, Boulder, USA
Zinc-air flow battery: eco-friendly and stable energy storage
Page 66
Petr Mazúr, Přemysl Richtr, David Gráf, Jiří Charvát, Jaromír Pocedič, Jaromír Hnát, Martin Paidar, Petr Hauschwitz
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Prague, Czechia New Technologies – Research Centre, University of West Bohemia Pilsen, Pilsen, Czechia
Department of Inorganic Technology, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Prague, Czechia Hilase Centre, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Dolni Brezany 25241, Czechia
An innovative membrane reducing vanadium species crossover: scale-up and preliminary data characterization
Page 102
Joseph Epoupa Mengou, Laura Meda, Alessandra Tacca, Chiara Gambaro, Caterina Rizzo, Riccardo Barbieri, Angelo Lombardi
Eni S.p.A., Renewable, New Energies and Material Science Research Center (DE-R&D) 28100 Novara, Italy
Current-potential performance of zinc thin film anode in zinc flow battery
Page 68
Masatsugu Morimitsu, Ryoma Yamada
Department of Science of Environment and Mathematical Modelling, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
Life cycle assessment of a VFB powered by wind and PV – real-world use cases
Page 70
Magdalena Neidhart, Pavel Mardilovich, Nick Blume, Christine Minke
Sustainability, CellCube Enerox GmbH, Wiener Neudorf, Austria
Chemical Engineering, CellCube Enerox GmbH, Wiener Neudorf, Austria
Institute of Mineral and Waste Processing, Recycling and Circular Economy Systems, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Composite polymeric membranes for semi-organic redox flow batteries
Page 74
Francesca Niccolai, Zakaria El Koura, Ilaria Pucher, Elisa Martinelli
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Green Energy Storage srl, Trento, Italy
Modified mono polar plates – an approach for metal free stack ends in vanadium flow batteries
Page 76
Michael Radspieler, Matthias Haslbeck, Tanja Ness, Matthias Rzepka
Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research, Garching, Germany
Evaluation of electrolytes for all-vanadium redox-flow battery electrolyte: thermal and chemical stability
Page 78
Nataliya Roznyatovskaya, Matthias Fühl, Jens Noack, Peter Fischer
Applied Electrochemistry, Fraunhofer ICT, Pfinztal, Germany
Vanadium redox flow batteries – use case in microgrids and realized projects
Page 80
Alexander Schönfeldt, Magdalena Neidhart
CEO, CellCube Enerox GmbH, Wiener Neudorf, Austria
Sustainability, CellCube Enerox GmbH, Wiener Neudorf, Austria
Requirements for future redox flow battery stacks
Page 82
Melanie Schroeder, Marcel Beirow, Janett Gördes
Elestor B.V., 6812 AR Arnhem, the Netherlands
Mechanical test methods for flow-battery stacks
Page 84
Thorsten Seipp, Philipp Schröder, Martin Bayer, Damian Pandel
Volterion GmbH & Co. KG, Dortmund, Germany
Comparison of flow fields with CFD simulations and electrochemical experiments within a 250 cm² zinc/polyiodide RFB
Page 88
Lukas Siefert, Ajay Madappat, Lukas Stemper, Falko Mahlendorf, Harry Hoster
Department of Energy Technology, University Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany
Reducing vanadium flow battery stack manufacturing variability
Page 90
Adam Tuck, Neil Andrews, Andy Klassen, Adam Whitehead
Invinity Energy Systems, Vancouver, Canada
Vanadium flow battery: growth of scale
Page 92
Jiří Vrána, Jiří Charvát, František Moulis, Eva Boháčová, Jaromír Pocedič
Pinflow energy storage, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Low-cost, high-performing ion exchange membranes for aqueous organic/inorganic redox flow batteries
Page 94
Xian Yang, Kang Peng, Can Zhao, Jin Zhang
Suqian Time Energy Storage Technology Co. Ltd, Huashan Road No. 67, 223800 Suqian, Jiangsu, China University of Science and Technology of China, Jinzhai Road No. 96, 230026 Hefei, Anhui, China
A promising imidazolium-based bromine-complexing agent for enhancing the overall performance of zinc-bromine flow batteries
Page 96
Deokhee Yun, Daewon Chung, Yunsun Kim, Doeun Kim, Youngho Lee, Joonhyeon Jeon
Division of Electronics & Electronical Engineering, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
Department of Advanced Battery Convergence Engineering, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea Department of Energy and Advanced Material Engineering, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
A lab scale iron anthraquinone redox flow cell operated with mixed electrolyte
Page 98
Christoph Ziegler
Mechanical Engineering, RWU Ravensburg Weingarten University of Applied Science, Weingarten, Germany
How big is the global market for long duration storage?
Page 100
Larry Zulch, Matt Harper, Matt Walz
Chief Executive Officer, Invinity Energy Systems, San Francisco USA
Chief Commercial Officer, Invinity Energy Systems, Vancouver Canada
Vice President Business Development, Invinity Energy Systems, Indianapolis USA
IFBF 2022
IFBF 2022 List of Conference Papers
Print ISBN: 978-1-9162004-2-5
Digital ISBN: 978-1-9162003-2-6
Effect of ammonium ions on a sulphonated anthraquinone-iron sulphate flow battery
Page 12
Luis F. Arenas, Thomas Turek
Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Research Center for Energy Storage Technologies, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Application of polyurethane-, epoxy- and silicone-based sealants, coatings and adhesives in redox flow batteries
Page 14
Andreas Arlt, Theresa Haisch, Armin Laube
Business Development, WEVO-CHEMIE GmbH, Germany
DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut, Germany
Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Germany
POM based sustainable electrolytes
Page 16
Angela Barros, Unai Eletxigerra, Beñat Artetxe, Estibaliz Aranzabe, Juan Manuel Gutierrez-Zorrilla
Surface Chemistry and Nanotechnology Unit, Tekniker, Spain
Organic and Inorganic Chemistry Department, Universidad del Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU), Spain
HIGREEW: Steps towards prototype construction of an AORFB
Page 18
Aitor Beloki, Nerea Marquinez, Eduardo Sánchez-Díez, Michael Schäffer, Petr Mazur
CIC energiGUNE, Spain
Department of Applied Electrochemistry, Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, Germany
New Technologies – Research Centre, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Environmental modelling of a MW-scale vanadium flow battery – scenarios up to 2050
Page 20
Nick Blume, Maik Becker, Thomas Turek, Christine Minke
Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Research Center Energy Storage Technologies, Germany
Institute of Mineral and Waste Processing, Recycling and Circular Economy Systems, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
A design tool for tubular redox flow stacks
Page 22
Fabian Brandes, Peter Kuhn, Simon Ressel, Thorsten Struckmann
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
A new low-cost process to formulate mixed species Fe-Cr electrolytes directly from chromite for use in iron chromium flow batteries
Page 24
Peter Chennells
Research and Development Department, RedoxOne, Cyprus
Lessons from grid-scale VFB commercial deployments
Page 26
Jean-Louis Cols
Invinity Energy Systems, UK
Recent progress in organic-based aqueous flow batteries: synthetic and regeneration techniques
Page 28
Eric M. Fell, Yan Jing, Min Wu, Meisam Bahari, Evan Wenbo Zhao, Marc-Antoni Goulet, Shijian Jin, Ali Davoodi, Erlendur Jónsson, Clare P. Grey, Roy G. Gordon, Michael J. Aziz
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, USA
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, USA
Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK
From laboratory to field: transferring single cell performance to deployment-scale systems
Page 30
Filippo Fenini, Mohammed Rahimi, Sara Noriega Oreiro, Anders Bentien
Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, Aarhus University, Denmark
Progress in the development of an electrically rechargeable zinc-air flow battery with a two-electrode setup
Page 32
Sascha Genthe, Ulrich Kunz, Thomas Turek
Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Shapes, magnitudes and effects of differential pressure-induced membrane deformations in flow batteries
Page 34
Jan Girschik, Leonie Sara Plaga, Arkadi Hahn, Anna Grevé, Christian Doetsch
Electrochemical Energy Storage, Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT, Germany
How do we achieve more scale in the flow battery industry?
Page 36
Alan Greenshields, Julian Tanner
Tuva Partners, UK
Energy in a bottle – flow battery hibernation
Page 38
Steven Hickey
Redflow, Australia
Identifying market opportunities and enablers for vanadium flow batteries
Page 40
John Hilbert III, Mikhail Nikomarov, Pritil Gunjan, Maria Chavez, Dan Power
Vanitec, UK
Bushveld Energy, South Africa
Guidehouse Insights, USA
Low-cost ion exchange membrane development
Page 43
Chiari Van Cauter, Yun Li, Ivo Vankelecom
Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems, KU Leuven, Belgium
Performance limitations of the Hydrogen-X flow batteries
Page 44
Johanes Antonius Hugo, Wiebrand Kout
Elestor B.V., The Netherlands
The demonstration and operation of a vanadium flow battery system for renewable energy integration
Page 46
Jeehyang Huh, Shin Han
H2, Inc., Republic of Korea
Correlating observables for state of charge and state of health monitoring and crossover modelling of vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 48
Niklas Janshen, Antonio Chica Lara, Thorsten Struckmann
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Instituto de Tecnología Química, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Novel organic cathode materials for aqueous flow battery
Page 50
Atsushi Kaiho, Shinya Nagatsuka and Go Mizutani
Nippon Kayaku Co., Ltd, Japan
Detailed model of a vanadium flow battery with the focus on porous separators and crossover mechanisms
Page 52
Alexander Kubicka, Thomas Turek
Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
In situ and in operando detection of redox reactions during vanadium transport in ion exchange membranes
Page 54
Torben Lemmermann, Maik Becker, Thomas Turek, Ulrich Kunz
Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Research Center Energy Storage Technologies (EST), Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Demonstration of a near-neutral Fe-Cr flow battery: IMABATTERY®
Page 56
Liyu Li, Qingtao Luo, and Qinqing Shi
Cougar Creek Technologies, LLC., USA
Comparison study of vanadium flow battery systems from different manufacturers
Page 58
Yifeng Li, Thomas Lüth
J.M. Voith SE & Co. KG, Germany
Off-grid renewable energy storage in an iron chromium flow battery for the South African energy storage sector
Page 60
Nico Mans, Henning Krieg, Dolf Bruinsma and Derik van der Westhuizen
Hydrometallurgy Group, Chemical Resource Beneficiation, North-West University, South Africa
Bruinsma Solutions, South Africa
New fluorinated sealant for vanadium flow battery
Page 62
Joseph Epoupa Mengou, Stefanno Cardamone, Alain Verschuere
Eni spa- Renewable, New Energies and Material Science Research Center, Italy
3M, Belgium
Vanadium market supply and demand
Page 64
Terry Perles
US Vanadium, USA
Electrochemical rebalancing process for vanadium flow batteries: sizing procedure and economic assessment
Page 68
Nicola Poli, Andrea Trovò, Massimo Guarnieri
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padua, Italy
Interdepartmental Centre Giorgio Levi Cases for Energy Economics and Technology, University of Padua, Italy
The role of flow batteries in the decarbonisation of shipping
Page 70
Christopher Price, James Hancock, Anthony Price
Swanbarton Limited, UK
Towards 100: A material-based cost minimization for different flow battery systems
Page 72
Athul Seshadri Ramanujam, Veselin Miroslavov Veselinov, José Angel Horcajada Sanchez de Pablo, Aitor Gijon Mora
Energy Storage Solutions S.L.U., Spain
Dimensioning, control and placement of storage devices in the grid – An integrated simulation approach for vanadium flow batteries
Page 74
Christina Schubert, Stephan Leyer, Jean-Regis Hadji-Minaglou, Karl-Heinz Pettinger
Technology Centre Energy, University of Applied Sciences Landshut, Germany
Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Two large scale flow battery systems towards net-zero carbon emissions future
Page 76
Toshikazu Shibata, Shuji Hayashi, Yoshiyuki Nagaoka, Takashi Yano
Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd., Japan
Investigation of zinc deposition in a zinc / polyiodide redox flow battery
Page 78
Lukas Siefert, Falko Mahlendorf, Harry Hoster
Department of Energy Technology, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
High-efficiency and large-scale VRB-ESS® support carbon neutrality goals
Page 80
Jim Stover, Bo Hu
VRB Energy Inc., China
StaTuR – Redox flow stacks with tubular cell design
Page 82
Thorsten Struckmann, Fabian Brandes, Peter Kuhn, Niklas Janshen, Armin Laube, Simon Ressel, Claudia Weidlich, Christian Modrzynski, Michael Jeske, Simon Fischer
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
DFI – DECHEMA Research Institute, Germany
Fumatech BWT GmbH, Germany
Uniwell Rohrsysteme GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Benchmarking flow cell performance
Page 84
Adam Whitehead
Invinity Energy Systems, UK
Pore-scale resolved 3D Simulations of aqueous organic flow batteries
Page 88
Amadeus Wolf, Hermann Nirschl
Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
A sub-millimetre, bundled co-axial microtubular flow battery cell with ultra-high volumetric power density
Page 90
Yutong Wu, Fengyi Zhang, Ting Wang, Xing Xie, Ryan P. Lively, Nian Liu
School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
IFBF 2021
IFBF 2021 List of Conference Papers
Print ISBN: 978-1-9162004-0-1
Digital ISBN: 978-1-9162003-0-2
Pulsed charging protocol for a high efficiency zinc-iron rechargeable flow battery
Page 16
Alessandra Accogli, Luca Bertoli, Matteo Salerno, Gabriele Panzeri, Luca Magagnin
Surface and Electrochemical Engineering Laboratory, Dip. Chimica, Materiali e Ing. Chimica G.Natta, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
The impact of high-frequency ripple currents on a full-cell vanadium redox flow battery
Page 19
Md Parvez Akter, Jie Bao*, Maria Skyllas-Kazacos
School of Chemical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
Characterisation of polyurethane, epoxy and silicone-based sealants and adhesives for their potential use in vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 22
Andreas, Arlt,, Max, Poxleitner, Ralf, Weishaupt
Business Development, Wevo-Chemie GmbH, Germany
Electrolyte imbalance determination of a vanadium redox flow battery by potential-step analysis
Page 25
Jan grosse Austing1*, Kirstin Beyer2, Barbara Satola2, Timo Di Nardo3
1 VANEVO GmbH, Germany
2 DLR Institute of Networked Energy Systems, Germany
Modelling of aqueous organic redox flow batteries: into the research of optimal electrolyte potential
Page 27
Quentin Cacciuttolo, Martin Petit, Dominique Audigier, David Pasquier
IFP Energies Nouvelles, France
Proof of concept of an innovative barrier layer in vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 29
Marco Cecchetti1*, Thomas Allen Ebaugh2, Haoran Yu2, Leonard Bonville2, Chiara Gambaro3, Laura Meda3, Radenka Maric2, Andrea Casalegno1, Matteo Zago1
1 Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
2 Center for Clean Energy Engineering, University of Connecticut, USA
3 Eni DR&D Renewable Energy and Environmental R&D Center, Italy
Effect of operating conditions on performance and lifetime of vanadium-oxygen fuel cell
Page 31
Jiří Charvát1,2*, Petr Mazúr1, Martin Paidar3, Jindřich Mrlík1, Jaromír Pocedič4, Jiří Vrána4, Juraj Kosek1,2
1 Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic
2 New Technologies – Research Centre, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
3 Dept. of Inorganic Technology, University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic
4 Pinflow energy storage, Czech Republic
Composite anion exchange membrane proposed for RFBs
Page 33
Martyna Charyton1,2,3, Mathieu Etienne2, Gérard Henrion3, Mateusz L. Donten1
1 Amer-sil, Luxembourg
2 Laboratoire de Chimie Physique et Microbiologie pour les Matériaux et l’Environnement, Université de Lorraine CNRS, France
3 Institute Jean Lamour, Université de Lorraine CNRS, France
Recent progress in organic-based aqueous flow batteries: stability and synthetic techniques
Page 35
Eric M. Fell1, Min Wu1, Yan Jing2, Andrew A. Wong1, Shijian Jin1, Zhijiang Tang1, Daniel A. Pollack3, Emily F. Kerr2, Roy G. Gordon1,2, Michael J. Aziz1
1 Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, USA
2 Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, USA
3 Department of Physics, Harvard University, USA
Development of zinc-air-batteries based on ionic liquids for uninterruptible power supplies (USP)
Page 37
Manuel Forster, Christian Stromberg
Westphalian University of Applied Science, Germany
The demonstration and operation of a vanadium flow battery system for microgrid application
Page 39
Shohei Fukumoto1*, Masao Moriguchi1, Takuya Sano1, Toshikazu Shibata1, François Henry2, Hamid Soleimani Bidgoli2
1 Energy Systems Division, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Japan
2 John Cockerill Energy, Belgium
Recent progress of stack generations for a 40 kW all-vanadium flow battery as part of a multifunctional hybrid compensator
Page 41
Jan Girschik1*, Rasit Oezguec1, Peter Schwerdt1, Michael Joemann1, Anna Grevé1, Christian Doetsch1
1 Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT, Germany
Composite membrane for the VRFB: Bilayer of a porous separator and a polybenzimidazole ‘Skin’
Page 44
Lorenz Gubler1, David Vonlanthen1,2, Aaron Schneider1, Fabio J. Oldenburg1,3
1 Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
2 Swiss Battery, Switzerland
3 Gaia Membranes, Switzerland
Improved performance of vanadium flow batteries by bonded graphite felt electrode-bipolar plate assemblies
Page 46
Gaurav Gupta1, Nambi Krishnan Nagappan1, Lisa M. Uhlig1, Leif-Arvid Schillert1, Wiebke Germer1, Barbara Satola1, Marco Zobel1, Alexandra Ploner2, Hermann Block3, Burak Caglar2 and Alexander Dyck1
1 DLR Institute of Networked Energy Systems, Germany
2 SGL Carbon GmbH, Germany
3 Polyprocess GmbH, Germany
MELODY project: new electrolyte compositions for membraneless H2-Br2 redox flow battery
Page 48
Matthäa Holland-Cunz1, Wiebrand Kout2, Matthew Suss3, Willem Haverkort1, Peter Connor4, David A. Vermaas1
1 Delft Unversity of Technology, The Netherlands
2 Elestor BV, The Netherlands
3 Technion, Israel
4 University of Exeter, UK
Recent deployments of vanadium redox flow battery storage systems in South Korea
Page 50
Jeehyang Huh, Shin Han
H2, Inc., South Korea
Sealing technology is everything
Page 52
Detlef Jannes, Lothar Hörl, Frank Bauer
Institute of Machine Components, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Development of highly water soluble organic active materials for redox flow battery
Page 54
Atsushi Kaiho, Shinya Nagatsuka, Tomoya Nakajima, Takafumi Fujii
Nippon Kayaku Co., Ltd, Japan
Influence of the alkyl side chain length of pyridinium bromine complexing agents on the cell performance of a H2/Br2-flow battery
Page 56
Michael Küttinger, Théo Faverge1, Nataliya V. Roznyatovskaya1, Jens Tübke1
Applied Electrochemistry, Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, Germany
A dopamine-based organic catholyte for aqueous redox flow battery
Page 58
Xiangrong Li, Quanbing Liu, Ao Tang and Chuanwei Yan
Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
HIGREEW aqueous organic redox flow battery: from materials development to final prototype integration
Page 60
Ana Catarina Lopes1,2, Eduardo Sánchez-Díez1, Maddalen Aguirre1, Oihane Zugazua1, Iván Salmeron-Sánchez3, Juan Asenjo-Pascual3, Juan Ramon Aviles-Moreno3, Pablo Mauleon4, Pilar Ocón3, Vicent Feynerol5, Mathieu Etienne5, Vanessa Fierro6, Raquel Ferret1
1 CIC Energigune. Parque Tecnológico de Alava, Spain
2 IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Spain
3 Applied Chemical-Physical Department, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
4 Organic Chemistry Department, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
5 LCPME, UMR7564 CNRS Université de Lorraine, France
6 Institut Jean Lamour, UMR 7198 CNRS Université de Lorraine, France
Zinc-air flow battery development with an automated test bench integrated (POWER2FLOW)
Page 62
Elena Marchante, Juan Carratalá, Rubén Beneito
Energy Area, Technological Institute for children’s product and leisure (AIJU), Spain
High voltage iron chrome flow battery enabled by chelation
Page 65
Michael P. Marshak1,2
1 Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
2 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute, USA
Microfluidics applied to redox flow batteries: a membraneless breakthrough technology
Page 67
Beatriz Oraá-Poblete1,2, Alberto Bernaldo de Quirós2, Miguel de las Heras2, Beatriz Ruiz2, Jesús Palma1, Alberto E. Quintero2
1 Electrochemical Processes Unit, IMDEA Energy Institute, Spain
2 R&D Department, Micro Electrochemical Technologies S.L., Spain
Composite membranes based on LATP and LAGTP ceramics for lithium hybrid-flow batteries: composition and outer factors’ influence on the performance
Page 70
Nikolay Ovsyannikov1, Irina Krasnikova1, Mariam Pogosova1, Nikita Akhmetov1, Elena Romadina1, Nataliya Gvozdik1, Yasser Ashraf Gandomi2, Fikile R. Brushett2, Keith J. Stevenson1
1 Center for Energy Science and Technology, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia
2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Non-aqueous polyoxometalate flow batteries: best practice for laboratory-scale testing
Page 72
Catherine Peake, Graham Newton, Darren Walsh
School of Chemistry, University of Nottingham, UK
Circular economy applied to flow batteries in current commercial products and future developments
Page 74
Juan M. Pérez
Technical Department, Envirobat España, Spain
Invinity Energy Systems: Meeting increasing demand for heavy utilisation energy storage applications with vanadium flow batteries
Page 76
Ed Porter
Invinity Energy Systems, UK
Shore power infrastructure for decarbonisation of shipping (SPIDS)
Page 78
Christopher Price
Swanbarton Limited, UK
Optimal felt design in VFB for minimization of pressure drop
Page 82
Thomas J. Rabbow
AvCarb Material Solutions LLC, USA
Surface and activity enhancement of graphite felt electrodes
Page 84
Hannes Radinger, Jessica Pfisterer, Frieder Scheiba, Helmut Ehrenberg
Institute for Applied Materials, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Germany
Flow battery operating in hybrid energy storage system
Page 87
Krzysztof Rafal1, Weronika Radziszewska1, Jeehyang Huh2, Pawel Grabowski3
1 Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery PAS, Poland
2 H2, Inc., Republic of Korea
3 STAY-ON Energy Management sp. z o.o., Poland
Performance evaluation of single cell VFB at low temperatures
Page 89
Praphulla Rao, Ravendra Gundlapalli, Sreenivas Jayanti
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Increasing the value of VRFBs behind the meter using dynamic efficiency optimisation
Page 91
Diarmid Roberts, Solomon F Brown
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK
Effect of electrolyte flow rate and different anode materials on the discharge performance of flow type zinc-air
Page 93
Ram kishore Sankaralingam, Satyanarayanan Seshadri
Department of Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Overcoming the limitations of membranes: high performant anionic exchange membranes for aqueous organic redox flow batteries
Page 95
Caterina Sansone1*, Xian Yang2,3,4*, Tobias Janoschkab2, Martin D. Hagerc3,4, Ulrich S. Schubert3,4, Cristina Iojoiu1
1 University of Grenoble Alpes, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, France
2 JenaBatteries GmbH, Germany
3 Laboratory of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry (IOMC), Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
4 Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry Jena (CEEC Jena), Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
CUBER: Copper-based flow batteries for energy storage and renewables integration
Page 98
Laura Sanz1; Corneliu Barbu2; Lasse Murtomäki3; Wouter Badenhorst3; Catia Arbizzani4; Luigi Faggiano4; Giampaolo Lacarbonara4; Marta Boaventura5; Jorge Cruz5; Torsten Müller6; James Rohan7; Carlo Ricci8
1 Nvision System & Technologies S.L, Spain
2 Aarhus University, Denmark
3 Aalto University, Finland
4 Univesità di Bologna, Italy
5 Visblue, Denmark, Portugal
6 Fraunhofer ICT, Germany
7 University College Cork – National University of Ireland, Ireland
8 Università di Cagliari, Italy
Cost reduction – how to get the job done?
Page 101
Melanie Schroeder, Andreas Schiegl
J. Schmalz GmbH, Germany
Influence of different flow fields on a 100 cm2 high energy density zinc/polyiodide RFB
Page 103
Lukas Siefert, Julian Kapp, Falko Mahlendorf, Angelika Heinzel
University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
The need for technical progress in flow battery development
Page 106
Lakshmi Srinivasan
Flow Battery Program, Lockheed Martin, USA
Dynamic response analysis on a 9-kW vanadium redox flow battery test facility
Page 108
Andrea Trovò1,2, Nicola Poli1,2, Vito Di Noto1,2, Massimo Guarnieri1,2
1 Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padua – Padova, Italy
2 Interdepartmental Centre Giorgio Levi Cases for Energy Economics and Technology, University of Padua – Padova, Italy
SOC balancing in flow battery energy storage systems
Page 111
Adam Whitehead1, Jean-Louis Cols1, Andrew Klassen2, Brian Adams2, Nathan Barrett2
1 Invinity Energy Systems, UK
2 Invinity Energy Systems, Canada
Exploring the thermodynamics of the bromine electrode in concentrated solutions for improved parametrisation of hydrogen-bromine flow battery models
Page 113
Jakub K. Włodarczyk1, Michael Küttinger2, Andreas K. Friedrich3, Jürgen O. Schumacher1
1 ZHAW, Institute of Computational Physics, Switzerland
2 Fraunhofer ICT, Germany
3 Department Electrochemical Energy Technology, DLR, Germany
Header text
IFBF 2019
IFBF 2019 – List of Conference Papers
Print ISBN: 978-0-9571055-9-1
Digital ISBN: 978-1-9164518-9-6
Development of electrospun sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone)/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composite membrane for hydrogen-bromine flow battery
Page 14
Sanaz Abbasi, Wiebrand Kout, Antoni Forner-Cuenca, Zandrie Borneman, Kitty Nijmeijer
Elestor B.V., The Netherlands
Membrane Materials and Processes, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Low cost zinc – iron rechargeable flow battery with high energy density
Page 16
Alessandra-Accogli, Gabriele-Panzeri, Eugenio-Gibertini, Matteo-Gianellini, Luca-Bertoli, Luca-Magagnin
Surface and Electrochemical Engineering Laboratory (SEELab), Dip. Chimica, Materiali e Ing. Chimica G. Natta, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Evaluation of the mass transport phenomena in flow through electrodes with controlled geometries and arrangements
Page 18
Noemí Aguiló-Aguayo, Thomas Drozdzik, Thomas Bechtold
Research Institute of Textile Chemistry and Textile Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Fabrication and characterization of novel anion exchange blend membranes based on tetra aryl phosphonium ionomer for energy conversion and storage applications
Page 20
Muthumeenal Arunachalam, Belabbes Merzougui, Stephen E Creager, Rhett Smith, Rachid Zaffou, Ahmed Sodiq, R. Amin, Fathima Fasmin, P. Ramesh Kumar Petla, Sabah Mariyam
Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Qatar
Clemson University, USA
College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
Recent progress in aqueous organic flow batteries
Page 22
Michael J. Aziz
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, USA
Characterisation of a 200 kW/400 kWh vanadium redox flow battery
Page 24
D. Bryans, V. Amstutz, H. Girault, L. Berlouis
WestCHEM, Department of Pure & Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, UK
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL-SB-ISICLEPA, Switzerland
Surface treatment of carbon felt electrodes and the associated impacts
Page 26
D. Bryans, M. Toda, B. McMillan, L. Berlouis
Mersen UK, Graphite Specialities Research & Development, UK
WestCHEM, Department of Pure & Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, UK
Coordination chemistry flow battery
Page 28
Doreen Burchell
Lockheed Martin Energy, USA
Optimization of felt compression for high performance VRFB stack
Page 30
Jiří Charvát, Petr Mazúr, Jaromír Pocedič, Jan Dundálek, Jindřich Mrlík, Juraj Kosek
New Technologies – Research Centre, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic
Development of a flow field for a zinc air redox flow battery
Page 32
Nak Heon Choi, Diego del Olmo, Peter Fischer, Juraj Kosek, Karsten Pinkwart, Jens Tübke
Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, Germany
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czech Republic
EnergyKeeper smart grid: an organic RFB in a practical application
Page 34
Olaf Conrad, Tobias Janoschka
JenaBatteries GmbH, Germany
Open source battery models for grid applications (open BEA)
Page 36
P. Dotzauer, D. Kucevic, B. Tepe, H. Hesse, J. Ing
Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research e.V., Germany
Institute for Electrical Energy Storage Technology, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Field operating experiences of a vanadium redox flow battery in South Korea
Page 37
Jeehyang Huh, Shin Han
H2, Inc., South Korea
Stepwise potentiometric titration applied to bromine bromide electrolytes
Page 38
Mattia Duranti, Matteo Testi, Edoardo Gino Macchi, Luigi Crema
Center for Materials and Microsystems, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, Italy
Electrochemical studies and performance evaluation of 1- amino anthra quinone based slurry electrodes in flow cell batteries
Page 40
Fathima Fasmin, Farida H Aidoudi, Aziz Kheireddine, Muthumeenal Arunachalam, Ahmed Sodiq,
Rachid Zaffou, Belabbes A Merzougui
Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI), Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
Investigation of electrolyte distribution in flow batteries by means of pH tracing
Page 42
Purna C. Ghimire, Arjun Bhattarai, Rüdiger Schweiss, Günther G. Scherer, Nyunt Wai, Qingyu Yan
Interdisciplinary Graduate School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Energy Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Vflowtech Pte. Ltd, Singapore
SGL Carbon GmbH, Germany
5607 Hägglingen, Switzerland
School of Material Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Extruded bipolar plates for redox flow batteries
Page 44
Mario Gillmann, Thorsten Derieth, Matthias Schlesies, Thorsten Hickmann
Centroplast Engineering Plastics GmbH, Germany
Eisenhuth GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Variance of electrochemically active surface area (ECSA)-scaling factors of flow battery cells with internal flow fields
Page 46
Jan Girschik, Nils Cryns, Jens Burfeind, Anna Grevé, Christian Doetsch
Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT, Germany
A 40 kW vanadium flow battery as an electrical energy storage system of a multifunctional hybrid
Page 48
Jan Girschik, Michael Joemann, Peter Schwerdt, Anna Grevé, Christian Doetsch
Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT, Germany
Zoltek carbon felt electrode materials – an overview
Page 50
Barbara Gönczi, Yasuaki Tanimura, Alan Handermann
Zoltek Zrt, Subsidiary of Toray, Hungary
Advanced Materials Research Laboratories, Toray Industries, Inc., Japan
Zoltek Corporation, Subsidiary of Toray, USA
Bonded graphitized felt electrode-bipolar plate assemblies for vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 52
Gaurav Gupta, Leif Schillert, Barbara Satola, Wiebke Germer, Hermann Block, Burak Caglar, Marco Zobel, Alexander Dyck
DLR Institute of Networked Energy Systems, Germany
Polyprocess GmbH, Germany
SGL Carbon GmbH, Germany
Performance enhancing stack geometry concepts
Page 54
Nicholas Gurieff, Chris Menictas, Victoria Timchenko, Maria Skyllas-Kazacos, Jens Noack
School of Mechanical Engineering, UNSW Sydney, Australia
School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW Sydney, Australia
CENELEST, German-Australian Alliance for Electrochemical Technologies for Storage of Renewable Energy, UNSW Sydney, Australia
Fraunhofer-Institute for Chemical Technology, Germany
100 MWh-scale vanadium flow battery projects in China and forthcoming utility-scale deployment
Page 56
Mianyan Huang, Jim Stover, Bo Hu
VRB Energy Inc., China
Failure analysis of the membrane electrode assembly in hydrogen-bromine flow batteries after accelerated cycling
Page 58
Yohanes Hugo, Wiebrand Kout, Zandrie Borneman, Kitty Nijmeijer
Elestor B.V., The Netherlands
Membrane Materials and Processes, Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, The Netherlands
Design of flow fields for a large area cell of a VRFB
Page 60
Sreenivas Jayanti, Ravendra Gundlapalli
Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras, India
State of charge monitoring in vanadium flow battery
Page 62
Hyunjoon Ji, Chujing Liu, Theresa Haisch, Claudia Weidlich
DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut, Electrochemistry, Germany
Inverter based compensation of decreasing rotating mass in energy distribution systems
Page 64
Jens Kaufmann
TRUMPF Hüttinger, Germany
Activation of graphite felts using short-term ozone/heat treatment for vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 66
Hansung Kim, Donghyun Kil, Hojin Lee
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University, Korea
A highly active carbon-based electrode by intercalating potassium for redox flow battery
Page 68
Youngkwon Kim, Je-Nam Lee, and Ji-Sang Yu
Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea
The current status of battery energy storage systems in Korea: policies, markets and standards
Page 70
Yu-Tack Kim, Sang A Lee, Min-Young Cho, Eohyun Yoo, Sooahn Jung, Dongmin Cha, Jaeseung Yoo
Battery R&D Association of Korea, South Korea
Commercial field experience with Avalon’s modular VRFB
Page 74
Andy Klassen
Avalon Battery, Canada
Optimization study of embossed flow field structures on thin and flexible bipolar plates for an all vanadium flow battery
Page 76
Alexander Kubicka, Oliver Zielinski, Thorsten Hickmann, Ulrich Kunz, Michael Lanfranconi, Thorsten Seipp, Thomas Turek
Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Eisenhuth GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Improvement of BCA catholyte and cell performance in H2/Br2 flow batteries caused by conscious regulation of bromine sequestering reaction
Page 78
Michael Kuettinger, Raphael Riasse, Camilla Carraro, Peter Fischer, Jens Tuebke
Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, Germany
Stability of vanadium flow battery SoC monitoring using electrolyte potential and density
Page 80
Peter Kuhn, Simon Ressel, Thorsten Struckmann
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Heinrich Blasius Institute for Physical Technologies, Germany
The effects of ripple current on vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 82
Md Parvez Akter, Yifeng Li, Jie Bao, Maria Skyllas-Kazacos
School of Chemical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
Online state of charge monitoring of vanadium flow battery using electrolyte viscosity
Page 84
Xiangrong Li, Ao Tang, Jianguo Liu and Chuanwei Yan
Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Optimization of serpentine flow channels in the VRFB
Page 86
Ian Lin, Masahiro Katou, Takashi Kanno
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Japan
Power density improvement of a flow battery for grid storage through carbon fibre catalyst modification
Page 88
Qinghua Liu, John P. Lemmon, Mingzhe Jiang, Sai Zhang, Xueqi Xing, Ping Miao
National Institute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon Energy, China
Optimized auxiliary supply increases the efficiency and flexibility without additional costs
Page 90
Thomas Lüth, David Kienbaum, Thomas Leibfried
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Quality control of flow battery stacks with a fully automated test stand
Page 92
Daniel Manschke, Thorsten Seipp, Tobias Kappels
Volterion GmbH, Germany
Copper slurry flow battery for heat-to-power conversion and energy storage
Page 94
Sunny Maye, Hubert Girault and Pekka Peljo
Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, EPFL Valais-Wallis, Switzerland
Electrochemical stability of selected quinone and viologen derivatives for an organic electrolyte based redox flow battery
Page 96
Petr Mazur, Jindrich Mrlik, Jaroslav Kvical, Zuzana Hlouskova, Milan Klikar, Filip Bures, Jiri Akrman, Lubos Kubac
University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic
University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic
Centre for Organic Chemistry, Czech Republic
Non-degrading energy storage infrastructure – the future of energy
Page 98
Scott McGregor
redT energy, UK
Sustainable energy storage market in Iran; current status and recent opportunities for RFB investment
Page 99
Seyyed Saeid Farhadi, Ali Davoodi, Ahad Zabett
Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM), Iran
Installation and interfacing of a commercial VRB system with PV
Page 100
Joseph Epoupa Mengou, Chiara Gambaro, Laura Meda
Eni SpA – Renewable Energy and Environmental R&D Center, Italy
A multicomponent diffusion model for organic redox flow battery membranes
Page 102
Gael Mourouga, Caterina Sansone, Fannie Alloin, Cristina Iojoiu, Jurgen O. Schumacher
Institute of Computational Physics (ICP), Zurich
University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) Winterthur, Switzerland
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LEPMI, France
Factors leading to improved vanadium flow battery performance with thermally treated carbon paper
Page 104
Nataliya A. Gvozdik, Keith J. Stevenson
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia
Flow battery cost reductions enabled by membrane innovations
Page 106
Gregory Newbloom, Phil Pickett and Olivia Lenz
Membrion, Inc., USA
Raw material basis of V-electrolyte: Possibilities and limits of secondary raw materials
Page 108
Jochen Nühlen, Jens Burfeind, Alexander Matthies
Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT, Germany
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute for Nonferrous Metallurgy and Purest Materials, Germany
Advanced controls for flow batteries to enable remote areas deployments
Page 110
Brent O’Connor
Redflow, Australia
Assessing the membrane lifetime in vanadium redox flow batteries with an accelerated stress test
Page 112
Fabio J. Oldenburg, Ayoub Ourgaa, Thomas J. Schmidt, Lorenz Gubler
Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
Materials Science and Nano-Engineering Department, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Estimating the performance and stability of electrolytes for an aqueous organic redox flow battery: a combined experimental – 0D modelling approach
Page 114
David Pasquier, Quentin Cacciuttolo, Martin Petit
IFP Energies Nouvelles, France
Highly conductive graphite based felt electrodes for vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 116
Jessica Pfisterer, Elke Herrmann, Frieder Scheiba, Helmut Ehrenberg
Institute for Applied Materials, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Real-time reservoir balancing and leak-free nonaqueous cell design for flow batteries
Page 119
Kirk Smith
University of Oxford, UK
Statistical evaluation of measurement within the research of redox flow batteries at lab-scale
Page 120
Jaromír Pocedič, Jiří Vrána, Jan Dundálek, Petr Mazúr
Pinflow energy storage, Czech Republic
University of West Bohemia, New Technologies – Research Centre, Czech Republic
University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic
Influence of electrolyte flow rate on the performance of a vanadium redox flow battery in discharge operation at dynamic loading conditions
Page 122
M. Pugach, S. Parsegov, A. Bischi
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
Hydrogen formation in flow batteries – a parameter for optimization of system and components?
Page 124
Thomas J. Rabbow, David Chittenden, Reyhan Taspinar, Guenter Fafilek
AvCarb Materials Solution LLC, USA
TU Wien, Austria
Tubular cell designs for all vanadium and vanadium/air flow batteries
Page 126
Simon Ressel, Simon Fischer, Michael Jeske, Thorsten Struckmann
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Heinrich Blasius Institute for Physical Technologies, Germany
Uniwell Rohrsysteme GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Fumatech BWT GmbH, Germany
Purification of copper-contaminated vanadium electrolytes using vanadium redox flow batteries selection
Page 128
Danick Reynard, Heron Vrubel, Christopher Dennison, Alberto Battistel, Hubert Girault
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Microgrid system with all-vanadium redox flow battery and wind turbine generator
Page 130
Michael Schäffer, Peter Fischer, Christoph Winter, Jens Noack, Karsten Pinkwart, Jens Tübke
Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, Germany
Material, cell and stack characterization – a journey
Page 132
Melanie Schroeder, Udo Martin
J. Schmalz GmbH, Germany
Strategies to improve capacity and coulombic efficiency of a high energy density zinc/polyiodide RFB
Page 134
Lukas Siefert, Falko Mahlendorf, Angelika Heinzel
University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Applications for flow batteries: high power, high cycle VRFB
Page 136
Thorsten Seipp, Sascha Berthold, Tobias Kappels, Kai Bothe, Daniel Manschke, Michael Lanfranconi, Kees van de Kerk
Volterion GmbH, Germany
Performance evaluation of a 60MWh vanadium flow battery system over three years of operation
Page 138
Toshikazu Shibata, Shuji Hayashi, Keiji Yano, Takuya Sano, Kazuhiro Fujikawa, Katsuya Yamanishi, Takatoshi Matsumoto, Kunihiko Tada, Akira Inoue, Eiichi Sasano
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Japan
Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan
Comparing flow batteries with lithium-ion energy storage for the energy arbitrage application in the Mexican electricity market
Page 140
Javier de la Cruz Soto, Joep Pijpers
National Institute for Electricity and Clean Energy (INEEL), Mexico
A calibration-free, temperature-independent, amperometric state-of-charge monitoring method
Page 142
Christian Stolze, Jan Meurer, Martin Hager, Ulrich Schubert
Laboratory of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry (IOMC), Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry Jena (CEEC Jena), Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
A high energy density solid-flow battery
Page 144
Simon Long Yin Tam, Zengyue Wang, Yi-Chun Lu
Electrochemical Energy and Interfaces Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Simulation analysis of mechanical behaviour and its impact on reliability and electrochemical performance of the vanadium flow battery stack
Page 146
Ao Tang, Jing Xiong, Xiangrong Li, Jianguo Liu, Chuanwei Yan
Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Thermal modelling of industrialized VRFBs
Page 148
Andrea Trovò, Monica Giomo, Federico Moro, Piergiorgio Alotto, Massimo Guarnieri
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padua, Italy
The future of the Russian energy storage market – trends and opportunities and a forecast to 2025 – 2030
Page 150
Andrei Usenko, Yuri Dobrovolsky, Alexey Kashin
Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, Russia
Inenergy LLC, Russia
Hybrid hydrogen-vanadium fuel cell for electrical energy storage
Page 152
Trung Van Nguyen
The University of Kansas, USA
Stabilization of the positive electrolyte for a vanadium flow battery using Fe2(SO4)3 additive at 50 °C
Page 154
Baoguo Wang, Zenghui Li, Yuqun Lin, Lei Wan
Dept of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
A low-cost and scalable zinc iodine-bromide flow battery for bulk energy storage
Page 156
Zengyue Wang, Simon Long Yin Tam, and Yi-Chun Lu
Electrochemical Energy and Interfaces Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Open-circuit potential prediction and its applications in modeling and simulation of hydrogen-bromine redox flow batteries
Page 158
Jakub Wlodarczyk, Michael Küttinger, Peter Fischer, Jürgen O. Schumacher
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Institute of Computational Physics (ICP), Switzerland
Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, Germany
Advancement of NafionTM membrane for vanadium flow battery applications
Page 160
Ruidong Yang, Jan Lenders, Michael Raiford, Robert Moffett
Nafion™ Ion Exchange Materials, The Chemours Company, USA
Nafion™ Ion Exchange Materials, Chemours Belgium BVBA, Belgium
Field experience and advancement of the new generation VRFB
Page 162
Zhenguo “Gary” Yang, Chauncey Sun, David Ridley, Rick Winter
UniEnergy Technologies, USA
Enhanced aqueous organic redox flow battery by solid boosters
Page 164
Elena Zanzola, S. Gentil, G. Gschwend, D. Reynard, E. Smirnov, C. Dennison, H.H. Girault, P. Peljo
Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry (LEPA), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne – EPFL, Switzerland
Research group of Physical Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Physics, Department of Chemistry and Materials Science, Aalto University, Finland
Crossover-tolerant hydrogen electrocatalysts in hydrogen/bromine redox flow battery
Page 166
David Zitoun, Kobby Saadi
Department of Chemistry and Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA), Bar Ilan University, Israel
The development of low cost, intrinsically safe flow batteries to meet the commercial challenge from competing battery technologies
Page 168
Huamin Zhang
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Rongke Power Co., Ltd, China
IFBF 2018
IFBF 2018 – List of Conference Papers
Print ISBN: 978-0-9571055-8-4
Digital ISBN: 978-1-9164518-8-9
Mass-transfer measurements at porous 3D Pt-Ir/Ti electrodes in a direct borohydride fuel cell
Page 14
Abdulaziz A. Abahussain, Carlos Ponce de Leon, Frank C. Walsh
University of Southampton, UK
Effect of oxidation and reduction on vanadium kinetics at glassy carbon electrodes; surface area and surface state
Page 16
Maria Alhajji, Andrea Bourke D. Noel Buckley, Robert Lynch
Department of Physics, Bernal Institute, University of Limerick, Ireland
Case Western Reserve University, USA
Status of zinc-based redox flow batteries: a technological review
Page 18
Luis F. Arenas, Carlos Ponce de León, Frank C. Walsh
Electrochemical Engineering Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Southampton, UK
The improvement of redox flow energy storage with an industry-academia consortium in Northern Ireland
Page 20
Laleh Bahadori, Sophie Tyrrell, Nicoloy Gurusinghe, Tim Littler, Martin Atkins, Peter Nockemann
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Testing of a prototype 25 kW/50 kWh Zn-Br2 battery at the Power Networks Demonstration Centre and integrated to a community wind turbine
Page 22
Leonard Berlouis, Declan Bryans, Jawwad Zafar, Paul Tuohy, Tae Hyuk Kang, Dae Sik Kim, Dong Joo Kim, Michael Shaw, Patrick Atkinson and Andrew Peacock
University of Strathclyde, UK
Lotte Chemical Research Institute, South Korea
Findhorn Foundation College, UK
Heriot Watt University, UK
The “Power Drop Effect” during operation of a vanadium redox flow battery
Page 24
Arjun Bhattarai, Adam Whitehead, Ruediger Schweiss, Guenther Scherer, Nyunt Wai, Tam D. Nguyen, Purna C. Ghimire, Huey Hoon Hng
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
redT energy plc., UK
SGL Carbon GmbH, Germany
Hagglingen, Switzerland
Sustainable energy storage market in Iran; current status and recent opportunities for RFB investment
Page 25
Seyyed Saeid Farhadi, Ali Davoodi, Ahad Zabett
Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM), Iran
A low-cost electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurement device for online determination of electrolyte charge imbalance in vanadium flow batteries
Page 26
Thomas Buczkowski, Michael Schäffer, Peter Fischer, Karsten Pinkwart, Jens Tübke
Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, Germany
Carbon and graphite components for flow batteries – current status, trends and prospects
Page 28
Burak Caglar, Christian Ruediger, Ruediger Schweiss, Kathlynne Duong
SGL CARBON GmbH, Germany
An integrated thermal to electrical energy conversion and storage system
Page 30
Hui Cao, Xuemin Zhao, Yanqi Zhao, Peter Slater, Yulong Ding
University of Birmingham, UK
Southern University of Science and Technology, People’s Republic of China
1D electrode model for half-cell characterization of a redox flow battery
Page 32
Mathilde Cazot, Sophie Didierjean, Gaël Maranzana, Jérôme Dillet, Florent Beille
LEMTA – Université de Lorraine – CNRS, France
An optimal flow frame design for the Fe/Cr flow battery
Page 34
Yun Young Choi, Seongyoon Kim, Mingyu Yang, Ki Jae, Kim and Jung-Il Choi
Yonsei University, Korea
Konkuk University, Korea
Coordination chemistry flow battery
Page 36
Adam Morris-Cohen
Lockheed Martin Energy, USA
One-year field test of a fast-acting zinc-bromine 20 kW / 60 kWh flow battery system to develop a business model for distributed small and medium sized storage projects in the Dutch electricity market
Page 38
Jeroen de Veth
Trinergie, Netherlands
Field experience and application benefits with new generation VRFB
Page 40
John DeBoever, Zhenguo “Gary” Yang
UniEnergy Technologies, USA
Enhanced performance of membrane separated bromine-based flow batteries using complexing agents
Page 42
Ran Elazari, Ori Rorlik, Iris Ben-David, Olga Golberg-Oster
ICL Industrial Products R&D, Israel
Spatially resolved investigation of electrode compression effects in the vanadium redox flow battery
Page 44
Purna C. Ghimire, Arjun Bhattarai, Rüdiger Schweiss, Günther G. Scherer, Nyunt Wai, Qingyu Yan
Interdisciplinary Graduate School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Energy Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
School of Material Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
SGL Carbon GmbH, Germany
5607 Hägglingen, Switzerland
ElectriStorTM – setting a new cost and performance standard for VRB
Page 46
H. Frank Gibbard, Gregory Cipriano, Reinder Boersma
WattJoule Corporation, USA
Effects of pressure differences between flow battery half-cells
Page 48
Jan Girschik, Nils Cryns, Jens Burfeind, Anna Grevé, Christian Doetsch
Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Germany
The VRFB industrial-scale experiment at the University of Padua
Page 50
Massimo Guarnieri, Andrea Trovò, Angelo D’Anzi, Giacomo Marini, Alessandro Sutto, Piergiorgio Alotto
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padua, Italy
Proxhima srl, Italy (now StornEn Technologies Inc., USA)
Optimization of the stack design for the vanadium redox flow battery
Page 52
Ravendra Gundlapalli, Sreenivas Jayanti
Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras, India
New organic electroactive molecules for electrolytes of redox flow batteries
Page 54
Thibaut Gutel, Yves Chenavier, Jessica Charoloy, Ines Mannai, Arnaud Morin, and Lionel Dubois
Univ. Grenobles Alpes, France
Presentation and analysis of novel zinc-bromine battery cell performance
Page 56
Bjorn Hage, Jens Noack, Peter Fischer
BH Consulting, Australia
Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, Germany
Cooling of a power conversion system for redox flow batteries using the electrolyte – a concept study
Page 58
Lothar Heinemann, Jana Schleif, Guido Dieter Hodapp
Trumpf Hüttinger, Germany
The project brine4power – a mega-battery for green energy
Page 60
Alrik Hervieu, Ralf Riekenberg, André Fisse, Timo Di Nardo, Hayo Seeba, Jan grosse Austing
Electrochemical impedance of an alkaline organic flow battery
Page 62
Doris Hoffmeyer, Johan Hjelm
Technical University of Denmark, Department of Energy, Conversion and Storage, Denmark
How the policies of China influence the global flow battery market
Page 64
Mianyan-Huang, Jim Stover
VRB Energy Operations (Beijing) Co. Ltd., China
The current status of vanadium redox flow battery development in South Korea: market opportunities and installation sites
Page 66
Jeehyang Huh and Shin Han
H2, Inc., South Korea
Performance of kW class vanadium redox flow batteries incorporating the VGCFTM electrode
Page 68
Irwansyah, Keizo Iseki, Kentaro Watanabe, Gaku Oriji, Yoshinori Abe, Masatoshi Ichikawa, Shuichi Naijo
Institute for Advanced and Core Technology, Showa Denko K.K., Japan
Unique processed large area bipolar plates for redox-flow-batteries
Page 69
Mario Gillmann, Thorsten Derieth
Centroplast Engineering Plastics GmbH, Germany
Harnessing natural convection in redox flow batteries: proof of concept
Page 69
Md Aslam Ansari, Sanjeev Kumar
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, India
Field test experience with 2.5 kW fully welded stacks
Page 70
Tobias Kappels, Thorsten Seipp, Fabian Brünger, Sascha, Berthold, Kai Bothe
Volterion GmbH, Germany
A novel carbonized electrode using phenol for flow battery
Page 72
Yongbeom Kim, Woon Cho, Jooonhyeon Jeon
Dounguk University, Republic of Korea
Voltage propagation within flow battery system and its implications on safety, DC topology and PCS selection
Page 74
Eugene Kizhnerman
Independent Technology Consultant, Electrochemistry and Energy Storage, Canada
Modeling the temperature dependence of the charge and discharge behaviours of a zinc/bromine flow battery
Page 76
Boram Koo, Dongcheul Lee, Chee Burm Shin, Dong Joo, Kim, and Tae Hyuk Kang
Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Division of Energy Systems Research, Ajou University, Republic of Korea
Lotte Chemical, Republic of Korea
Monitoring the state of charge in a VFB with a novel amperometric sensor
Page 78
Isabelle Kroner, Thomas Turek
Clausthal University of Technology; Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, Germany
Bromine complexation agents in H2 /Br2 flow battery cathodes: physicochemical processes and their influence on cell operation and cell performance
Page 80
Michael Kuettinger, Ruben Brunetaud, Peter Fischer, Jens Tübke
Applied Electrochemistry, Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, Germany
Control system for flow batteries
Page 82
Thomas Lueth, Thomas Leibfried
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Evaluation of the transient characteristics of a redox flow battery with electrolyte flow
Page 84
Toko Mannari, Takafumi Okuda, and Takashi Hikihara
Department of Electrical Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan
Proof of redox flow batteries’ functionality by conducting electrochemical impedance spectroscopy tests
Page 86
Daniel Manschke, Thorsten Seipp, Sascha Berthold
Volterion GmbH, Germany
FleXtore II: 50kW hydrogen bromine flow battery
Page 88
Natalia Mazur, Wiebrand Kout, Joep Lauret, Peter Puttkammer, Raphaël T. van der Velde, Sebastian B. van Drenth, Yohanes Antonius Hugo, Friso D. Sikkema
Elestor b.v., Arnhem, The Netherlands
Witteveen+Bos, The Netherlands
Membrane Materials and Processes, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Vanadium-oxygen hybrid fuel cell: design and performance
Page 90
Chris Menictas, Mandar Risbud, Maria Skyllas-Kazacos and Jens Noack
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UNSW Sydney, Australia
School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW Sydney, Australia
CENELEST, German-Australian Alliance for Electrochemical Technologies for Storage of Renewable Energy, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UNSW Sydney, Australia
Fraunhofer-Institute for Chemical Technology, Germany
A pilot project using a VFB in a multiple-use application
Page 92
Yoshiyuki Nagaoka, Shohei Fukumoto, Yoshihiro Hirata, Riichi Kitano
Sumitomo Electric U.S.A., Inc. (SEUSA), USA
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd (SEI), Japan
Innovation Core SEI, Inc. (ICS), USA
Tuning electrolyte transport with amphoteric PBI-Nafion bilayered membranes
Page 94
Fabio J. Oldenburg, Thomas J. Schmidt, Lorenz Gubler
Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Development and characterisation of a copper battery system for heat-to-power conversion
Page 96
Pekka Peljo, Sunny Maye
Laboratoire d’Electrochimie Physique et Analytique, École, Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
3D-printed conductive static mixers enable the all vanadium redox flow battery using slurry electrodes
Page 98
Korcan Percin, Alexandra Rommerskirchen, Robert Sengpiel, Youri Gendel, Matthias Wessling
DWI Leibniz-Institute for Interactive Materials, Germany
RWTH Aachen University Chemical Process Engineering, Germany
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Vanadium market fundamentals
Page 100
Terry Perles
TTP Squared, Inc., USA
Vionx Energy: A small company leveraging large company innovations
Page 102
Mike L. Perry
United Technologies Research Center (UTRC), USA
Validated flow distribution analysis by a VFB model linked with optical measurements
Page 104
Eva Prumbohm, Gregor D. Wehinger, Ulrich Kunz and Thomas Turek
Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, Germany
Research Center Energy Storage Technologies, Germany
Numerical study of internal losses and their influence on the performance of a single vanadium redox flow cell
Page 106
M. Pugach, A. Bischi
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
Harvesting low-grade heat using all-vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 108
Danick Reynard, Christopher Dennison, Alberto Battistel, Hubert Girault
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Optimization of a hydrogen/manganese hybrid redox flow battery
Page 110
Javier Rubio-Garcia, Anthony Kucernak, Dong Zhao, Danlei Li, Vladimir Yufit, Nigel Brandon
Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London, UK
Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperia; College London, UK
Flow battery integration in printed circuit boards
Page 112
Patrick Ruch, Omar Ibrahim, Ralph Heller, Stephan Paredes, Erik Kjeang, Bruno Michel
IBM Research – Zurich, Switzerland
School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Improving the long term VFB operation by modelling crossover processes and capacity balancing methods
Page 114
Katharina Schafner, Thomas Turek
Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Research Center Energy Storage Technologies, Germany
Evaluation of grid control for field operation using a 60 MWh vanadium flow battery system
Page 116
Toshikazu Shibata, Shuji Hayashi, Keiji Yano, Takuya Sano, Kazuhiro Fujikawa, Katsuya Yamanishi, Takatoshi Matsumoto, Kunihiko Tada, Akira Inoue and Eiichi Sasano
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Japan
Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan
Determining the state-of-charge of symmetric flow batteries using open circuit potentials and self-discharge profiles
Page 118
Kirk Smith, Charles Monroe
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Flowable carbon suspension electrodes for sulfur-iron redox flow battery
Page 120
Ahmed Sodiq, Lagnamayee Mohapatra, Fathima Fasmin, Sabah Mariyam, Rachid Zaffou and Belabbes Merzougui
College of Science and Engineering, Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
In situ state of charge and crossover estimation of vanadium redox flow batteries from electrolyte potentials and densities
Page 122
Thorsten Struckmann, Simon Ressel, Peter Kuhn, Claudia Weidlich
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Production, Electrochemistry Laboratory, Germany
Instituto de Tecnología Química, Universitat Politècnica de València-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain
DFI – DECHEM Research Institute, Electrochemistry, Germany
Recent progress in vanadium flow battery manufacture, scale-up and demonstration at IMR-CAS
Page 124
Ao Tang, Xiangrong Li, Xinzhuang Fan, Ye Qin, Jianguo Liu and Chuanwei Yan
Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Flexible graphite soft felt electrodes for flow batteries
Page 126
Marcin Toda, George Law, John Meahan
Mersen Scotland, UK
NAFION™ membranes for vanadium flow battery
Page 128
Murat Unlu, Michael Raiford, Ruidong Yang
The Chemours Company, USA
High energy density anolyte for aqueous organic redox flow batteries
Page 130
Wei Wang, Aaron Hollas, Vijayakumar Murugesan, Xiaoliang Wei
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Understanding transport phenomena in flow-battery separators
Page 132
Adam Z. Weber, Andrew Crothers, Douglas I. Kushner, Robert M. Darling, Michael L. Perry, Andrew M. Herring
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
United Technologies Research Center, USA
Colorado School of Mines, USA
Status and future perspectives of redox flow batteries
Page 134
Zhenguo (Gary) Yang
UniEnergy Technologies, US
Electrochemical investigation on the behaviour of ferroin as candidate redox mediator for aqueous flow batteries
Page 136
Elena Zanzola, Pekka Peljo, Evgeny Smirnov, Hubert Girault
Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry (LEPA), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Quantitative analysis method of vanadium for the SOC monitoring of a vanadium flow battery
Page 138
Fan-wu Zeng, Shu-ting Wang, Nai-xu Du, Ming-ming Song, Yan-bo Chen
Dalian Bolong New Materials Limited Company, China
Three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann model for a polymer-based redox flow battery
Page 140
Duo Zhang, Antoni Forner-Cuenca, Oluwadamilol O.Taiwo, Vladimir Yufit, Fikile R. Brushett, Nigel P. Brandon, Qiong Cai, Sai Gu
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Surrey, UK
Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Department of Earth Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
Computational analysis of vanadium flow batteries for centralised storage applications in low-voltage grids
Page 142
Christina Zugschwert, Saskia Dinter, Georg Heyer, Karl-Heinz Pettinger, Tim Rödiger
Technology Center Energy, University of Applied Sciences Landshut, Germany
IFBF 2017
IFBF 2017 – List of Conference Papers
Print ISBN: 978-0-9571055-7-7
Digital ISBN: 978-1-9164518-7-2
Aqueous organic-organometallic RFB with extreme capacity retention at neutral pH
Page 12
Michael J. Aziz, Eugene Beh, Diana DePorcellinis, Rebecca L. Gracia, Kay T. Xia, Roy G. Gordon
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, USA
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, USA
Harvard College, USA
Reducing electrolyte imbalance in the all vanadium flow battery
Page 14
Arjun Bhattarai, Rüdiger Schweiss, Adam Whitehead, Günther G. Scherer, Nyunt Wai, Purna C. Ghimire, Tam D. Nguyen, Moe O. Oo, Huey Hoon Hng
School of Material Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Energy Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
SGL Carbon GmbH, Germany
Gildemeister energy storage GmbH, Austria
TUM CREATE, Singapore
Probing pore-scale mass transfer in redox flow batteries
Page 16
Fikile Brushett, Jarrod Milshtein, Kevin Tenny, John Barton, Javit Drake, Robert Darling
Joint Center for Energy Storage Research, USA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
The University of Kansas, USA
United Technologies Research Center, USA
Characterisation of novel additives for use in the ZnBr2 hybrid flow battery
Page 18
Declan Bryans, Leonard Berlouis, Mark Spicer, Brian McMillan, Alastair Wark
WestCHEM, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, UK
MoO3 as catalysts for high power vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 20
Liuyue Cao, Maria Skyllas-Kazacos, Da-Wei Wang
School of Chemical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
Study of in situ locally resolved current density measurements in flow battery single cells and stacks
Page 22
Tobias Gerber, Peter Fischer, Jens Noack, Karsten Pinkwart, Jens Tübke
Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT), Germany
Organic RFB with alkaline aqueous-based electrolytes: Kemwatt’s road to market strategy
Page 24
Thibault Godet-Bar
Kemwatt, France
Amphoteric ion exchange membranes for vanadium flow batteries with higher transport selectivity and cycle stability
Page 26
Lorenz Gubler, Olga Nibel, Thomas J. Schmidt
Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
The best choice for stationary energy storage
Page 28
Bjorn Hage, Jens Noack
bh-consulting, Australia
Fraunhofer ICT, Germany
Charging rate effect on Fe-V flow battery performance – the role of electrode kinetics
Page 30
Ahmad D. Hammad, Stamatios Souentie, Issam T. Amr, Abdulrahman S. Alsuhaibani, Essa I. Almazroei
Research and Development Center, Saudi Aramco Oil Company, Saudi Arabia
2D modelling of a hydrogen bromine redox flow battery
Page 32
J.W.Haverkort, K.Prasad, F. Sikkema, W.Kout
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Elestor, The Netherlands
FH Aachen, Germany
Modular and flexible power conversion system optimized for flow batteries
Page 34
Lothar Heinemann, Jens Kaufmann, Sebastian Gruber
Trumpf Hüttinger, Freiburg, Germany
The current status and prospects for vanadium flow batteries in China
Page 36
Mianyan Huang, Eric Finlayson, Hanmin Liu, Jim Stover, Xiaofeng Xie, Billy Wu
Pu Neng, China
Zhangjiakou Wind & Solar Power Energy Demonstration Station Co. Ltd. China State Grid
Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, China
Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
High selectivity-conductivity reinforced perfluorosulfonic acid membranes for hydrogen-bromine flow batteries
Page 38
Yohanes Hugo, Wiebrand Kout, Friso Sikkema, Zandrie Borneman, Kitty Nijmeijer
Elestor B.V., The Netherlands
Membrane Materials and Processes, Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, The Netherlands
A high performance vanadium redox flow battery incorporating the VGCFTM electrode
Page 40
Irwansyah, Keizo Iseki, Gaku Oriji, Masatoshi Ichikawa, Kenzo Hanawa
Institute for Advanced and Core Technology, Showa Denko K.K., Japan
Validation of KIT’s flow battery model with manufacturers’ data while maintaining confidentiality
Page 42
Sebastian König, Thomas Leibfried, Hannes Barsch, Henrik Buschmann, Holger Fink, Markus Trampert, Martin Harrer
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Schmid Energy Systems GmbH, Germany
J. Schmalz GmbH, Germany
Gildemeister Energy Storage GmbH, Austria
The electrode composition determines the faster half-cell in a vanadium redox flow battery
Page 45
Jochen Friedl, Ulrich Stimming
Newcastle University, UK
Extra-large bipolar plates for redox flow batteries
Page 46
Lukas Kopietz, Peter Schwerdt, Jan Girschik, Jens Burfeind, Anna Grevé, Christian Doetsch
Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Germany
Charge strategies for soluble-lead flow batteries
Page 48
Michael Lanfranconi, Gregor Strangemann, Hans-Joachim Lilienhof
Westphalian University of Applied Science, Germany
New product development of RongKe Power (RKP) vanadium flow battery
Page 50
Xiangkun Ma, Huamin Zhang, Xianfeng Li
Dalian Rongke Power Co., Ltd., China
Division of Energy Storage, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
The effect of cations on the proton transport of PFSA membranes used in hydrogen-bromine flow batteries: observations and mitigation solutions
Page 52
Natalia Mazur, Yohanes Antonius Hugo, Wiebrand Kout, Friso Sikkema, Ran Elazari, Ronny Costi
Elestor B.V., The Netherlands
ICL Industrial Products R&D, Israel
Tackling capacity fading with amphoteric membranes
Page 54
Fabio J. Oldenburg, Thomas J. Schmidt, Lorenz Gubler
Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Switzerland
Heat-to-power conversion with non-aqueous copper redox flow batteries
Page 56
Pekka Peljo, Sunny Maye
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Vanadium market fundamentals
Page 58
Terry Perles, Alberto Arias
TTP Squared, Inc, USA
Arias Resource Capital Management LP, USA
A combined multiscale experimental and modelling approach to studying redox flow batteries
Page 60
Martin Petit, Mélody Leroy, Philippe Jacquinet, David Pasquier
IFP Energies Nouvelles, France
Coordination chemistry flow battery
Page 62
Steven Reece, Michael Bufano
Lockheed Martin Energy, USA
Novel flow field designs and application in electronic packages
Page 64
Patrick Ruch, Julian Marschewski, Kleber Marques Lisbôa, Lorenz Brenner, Neil Ebejer, Dimos Poulikakos, Bruno Michel
IBM Research – Zurich, Switzerland
Laboratory of Thermodynamics in Emerging Technologies, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Recent progress in fully welded stack technology
Page 66
Thorsten Seipp, Sascha Berthold, Andreas Albert, Lukas Kopietz
Volterion GmbH, Germany
Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Germany
Demonstration of 60MWh vanadium flow battery system for grid control
Page 68
Toshikazu Shibata, Shuji Hayashi, Keiji Yano, Takuya Sano, Kazuhiro Fujikawa, Katsuya Yamanishi, Yasumitsu Tsutsui, Takatoshi Matsumot, Kunihiko Tada, Akira Inoue, Eiichi Sasano
Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd., Japan
Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan
Precipitation inhibitors for supersaturated vanadium electrolytes for the vanadium redox flow battery
Page 70
Maria Skyllas-Kazacos, Chris Menictas, Nadeem Kausar, Asem Mousa
School of Chemical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
Hybrid polyoxometalate membranes with high conductivity and selectivity
Page 72
Michael C Tucker, Douglas I. Kushner, Adam Z Weber, Gregory M. Haugen, Andrew R. Motz, Andrew Herring
Energy Storage Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Colorado School of Mines, USA
A low-cost, non-hazardous all-iron battery for the developing world
Page 74
Michael C Tucker, David Lambelet, Adam Phillips, Mohamed Oueslati, Benjamin Williams, Wu-Chieh Jerry Wang, Adam Z Weber
Energy Storage Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
University of California, USA
Advanced redox flow battery systems
Page 76
Wei Wang, Xiaoliang Wei, M. Vijaykumar, Bin Li, Zimin Nie, Vincent Sprenkle
School of Chemical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Detection of electrolyte crossover by state of charge monitoring in all-vanadium redox-flow batteries
Page 78
Claudia Weidlich, Lucas Holtz, Klaus-Michael Mangold, Simon Ressel, Thorsten Struckmann
DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut, Germany
HAW Hamburg, Germany
Scale-up of the iron-ferricyanide battery chemistry using WhEST’s flow battery scale-up platform
Page 80
Ian Whyte, David Hodgson
Watt hour Energy Storage Technologies (WhEST), UK
The vanadium flow battery technology and its application in the energy storage field
Page 82
Huamin Zhang*
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Dalian Rongke Power Co. Ltd, China
A method of evaluating performance and structural design of flow batteries and implications for flow battery applications
Page 84
Qiong Zheng, Huamin Zhang
Division of Energy Storage, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Aqueous organic flow batteries
Page 86
Eugene Beh, Diana De Porcellinis, Michael Gerhardt, Rafael Gómez-Bombarelli, Marc-Antoni Goulet, Rebecca Gracia, Sergio Granados-Focil, Lauren Hartle, David Kwabi, Kaixiang Lin, Daniel Tabor, Liuchuan Tong, Alvaro Valle, Andrew Wong, Kay Xia, Zhengjin Yang, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Roy Gordon and Michael Aziz
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, USA
John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, USA
Department of Chemical Science and Technologies, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy
Harvard College, USA
Gustaf H. Carlson Department of Chemistry, Clark University, USA
School of Chemistry and Material Science, University of Science and Technology of China, P.R. China
Probing the localized behavior of an organic alkaline redox flow battery
Page 88
Mathilde Cazot, Gaël Maranzana, Sophie Didierjean, Jérôme Dillet
Laboratory of Energetics and Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (LEMTA) – Université de Lorraine – CNRS, France
Kemwatt, France
A simple technique for flow frame design in flow battery
Page 90
Yun Young Choi, Jung-Il Choi, Ki Jae Kim, Young Kwon Kim
Yonsei University, Korea
Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea
Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea
Thermal activation of electrospun carbon nanofiber electrodes for VO2+/VO2+ redox couple
Page 92
Niall Dalton, Maria Al Hajji Safi, Bartek A. Glowacki, D. Noel Buckley, Robert P. Lynch
Department of Physics, and Bernal Institute, University of Limerick, Ireland
University of Cambridge, UK
Institute of Power Engineering, Poland
Case Western Reserve University, USA
Experimental and mathematical study of zinc electrodeposition from flowing alkaline zincate solutions
Page 94
Jan Dundálek, Ivo Šnajdr, Jiří Vrána, Jaromír Pocedič, Petr Mazúr, Juraj Kosek
University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic
University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Measurement procedures and test conditions for reproducible and transparent redox flow battery research
Page 95
Tobias Greese, Hubert Gasteiger
Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research, Germany (ZAE Bayern)
Department of Chemistry, Technical University Munich, Germany
Increasing the performance of vanadium flow batteries by flow field design modification
Page 96
Lina Elbers, Ramón Förster, Hans-Joachim Lilienhof
Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Electrochemical behaviour of carbon felt for use as an electrode of redox flow batteries
Page 98
Shinji Inazawa, Yuta Itou, Izumi Yamada, Takeshi Abe
Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan
Hall of Global Environmental Research, Kyoto University, Japan
On the improvement of vanadium electrolyte performance for high thermal stability
Page 100
Donghyeon Kim, Youngho Lee, Joonhyeon Jeon
Dongguk University, Republic of Korea
Performance analysis of membranes in zinc-bromine flow battery cells
Page 102
Miae Kim, Woon Cho, Joonhyeon Jeon
Dongguk University, Republic of Korea
Design of a cathode electrode with wide reaction surface area and high bromine tolerance
Page 104
Yongbeom Kim, Joonhyeon Jeon
Dongguk University, Republic of Korea
Chemo-physical model of a vanadium redox flow cell with peripheral devices
Page 106
Björn Kleinsteinberg, Aysen Cerci, Dirk Uwe Sauer
SEA RWTH Aachen, Germany
JARA Energy, Germany
Model-based design and optimization of vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 107
Sebastian König, Thomas Leibfried
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Interaction of bromine complexation agents and Nafion® membrane in H2 / Br2 flow battery (ex situ measurements) and its influence on cell operation
Page 108
Michael Kuettinger, Mathieu Cappon, Peter Fischer, Karsten Pinkwart, Jens Tuebke
Applied Electrochemistry, Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, Germany
Toward high-activity graphite-felt electrodes for VFB
Page 110
Eunsook Lee, Dohun Kim, Jy-young Jyoung
JNTG Co. Ltd., South Korea
Study of dynamic response of vanadium redox flow batteries for smart grid applications
Page 112
Yifeng Li, Xinan Zhang, Jie Bao, Maria Skyllas-Kazacos
School of Chemical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
A novel electrode-bipolar plate assembly for redox flow battery applications
Page 114
Lijun Liu, Chun Yu Ling, Yann Mei Lee, Mei Lin Chng, Ming Han
Clean Energy Research Center, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore
Behind the thermal stabilizing ability of organic additives for a positive vanadium-based electrolyte: an intensive study
Page 116
Tam D. Nguyen, Adam Whitehead, Günther G. Scherer, Nyunt Wai, Moe O. Oo, Arjun Bhattarai, Ghimire P. Chandra, Zhichuan J. Xu
Interdisciplinary Graduate School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Energy Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Gildemeister energy storage GmbH, Austria
TUM-CREATE, Singapore
School of Material Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,
Suitable reference electrodes for vanadium flow batteries
Page 118
John O’Donnell, Daniela Oboroceanu, Nathan Quill, D. Noel Buckley, Robert P. Lynch
University of Limerick, Ireland
Case Western Reserve University, USA
Influence of electrode configurations of tubular redox flow cells on performance characteristics
Page 120
Simon Ressel, Simon Fischer, Michael Jeske, Antonio Chica, Thomas Flower, Thorsten Struckmann
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Instituto de Tecnología Química, Universitat Politècnica de València-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain
Uniwell Rohrsysteme GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Fumatech BWT GmbH, Germany
Modeling the current distributions in a zinc-bromine flow battery
Page 122
Jaeshin Yi, Boram Koo, Chee Burm Shin, Dong Joo Kim, Dae-Sik Kim, Hyun-Jin Jung, Eun Mi Choi, Tae Hyuk Kang
Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Division of Energy Systems Research, Ajou University, Republic of Korea
Lotte Chemical, Republic of Korea
Stability of graphite felts in vanadium redox flow battery
Page 124
Jaromir Pocedic, Petr Mazur, Jan Dundalek, Jiri Vrana, Jindra Mrlik, Juraj Kosek
University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czech Republic
IFBF 2016
IFBF 2016 – List of Conference Papers
Print ISBN: 978-0-9571055-6-0
Digital ISBN: 978-1-9164518-6-5
Demonstration of the synergies between hydrogen generation and a flow battery
Page 12
Véronique Amstutz, Heron Vrubel, Alberto Battistel, Fréderic Gumy, Christopher Dennison, Pekka Peljo, Hubert Girault
EPFL Valais-Wallis, Sion, Switzerland
The reaction environment at the positive electrodes of the zinc-cerium flow battery
Page 14
Luis Arenas, Carlos Ponce de León, Frank Walsh
Electrochemical Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, UK
Recent progress in aqueous organic flow batteries
Page 16
Michael Aziz, Kaixiang Lin, Qing Chen, Eugene Beh, Michael Gerhardt, Andrew Wong, Liuchuan Tong, Alvaro Valle, Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli, Michael Marshak, Roy Gordon, Alan Aspuru-Guzik
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, USA
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, USA
Harvard College, USA
Study of flow behaviour in all-vanadium flow battery
Page 18
Arjun Bhattarai, Nyunt Wai, Rüdiger Schweiss, Adam Whitehead, Günther Scherer, Purna Ghimire, Hng Huey Hoon
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
SGL Carbon GmbH, Germany
Gildemeister energy storage GmbH, Austria
TUM CREATE, Singapore
Felt compression for all-vanadium flow batteries
Page 20
Leon Brown, Rhodri Jervis, Tobias Neville, Thomas Mason, Paul Shearing, Daniel Brett
Electrochemical Innovation Lab, Dept. Chemical Engineering, UCL, UK
Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering, Dept. Chemical Engineering, UCL, UK
Ionic liquids-mediated aqueous electrolytes for redox flow batteries
Page 22
Ruiyong Chen, Rolf Hempelmann
Joint Electrochemistry Lab, KIST Europe, Germany
Physical Chemistry, Saarland University, Germany
High temperature bromine complexing agents for bromine-based flow batteries
Page 24
Ronny Costi, Ran Elazari, Alina Grego, Iris Ben-David, Olga Globerg-Oster
ICL Industrial Products R&D, Israel
The importance of cell compression pressure for flow battery performance
Page 26
Trevor Davies, Natasha Gunn and David Ward
University of Chester, UK
Chemical aging and electrochemical degradation of carbon felt electrodes in all-vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 28
Igor Derr, Michael Bruns, Daniel Przyrembel, Christina Roth
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
The benefits of commercial partnerships for market deployment of flow batteries
Page 30
Bruce Eberzy
Redflow, Australia
Investigating the solvation of vanadium ions in the vanadium flow battery electrolyte using molecular dynamics and metadynamics
Page 32
Sukriti Gupta, Nyunt Wai, Tuti Lim, Samir Mushrif
Energy Research Institute and Interdisciplinary Graduate School, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTU, Singapore
School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, NTU, Singapore
How resistive are your bipolar plates and end plates?
Page 34
Bjorn Hage, Burak Caglar, Jens Noack, David Lloyd, Pertti Kauranen, Alex Winter
bh consulting, Australia
Fraunhofer ICT, Germany
Aalto University, Finland
Redflow Ltd., Australia
Porous carbon-based 3D electrocatalysts for the positive half-cell reaction in all-vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 36
Mark Hartmann, Stefan Rümmler, Sabine Schimpf, Michael Bron
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, Technische Chemie Erneuerbarer Energien, Germany
Characterization of state-of-the-art membranes in a hydrogen-bromine flow battery: a key to understanding the mechanisms for proton and bromide-species transports
Page 38
Yohanes Antonius Hugo, Wiebrand Kout, Kitty Nijmeijer
Elestor B.V., The Netherlands
Membrane Science & Technology Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
X-ray computed tomography as a tool for assessment of flow battery performance
Page 40
Rhodri Jervis, Leon Brown, Tobias Neville, Daniel Brett, Paul Shearing
Electrochemical Innovation Lab, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, UCL, UK
Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, UCL, UK
An innovative approach for the model-based flow rate optimization of vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 42
Sebastian König, Michael Suriyah, Thomas Leibfried
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
FleXtore: The first hydrogen bromine flow battery in an office building
Page 44
Wiebrand Kout, Raphaël van der Velde, Carolien Stroomer-Kattenbelt, Nico Dekker
Elestor BV, The Netherlands
Witteveen+Bos Raadgevende Ingenieurs BV, The Netherlands
HAN University of Applied Science, The Netherlands
ECN Energy research Centre of the Netherlands, The Netherlands
Investigation and operation of a 40 cm² hydrogen bromine redox flow battery with and without organic bromine complexation agents
Page 46
Michael Kuettinger, Jens Noack, Ran Elazari, Ronny Costi, Karsten Pinkwart, Jens Tübke
Applied Electrochemistry, Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, Germany
Electrochemistry Lab, R&D, ICL-IP, Israel
Influence of pulse current charging techniques and brighteners for electrodeposition of zinc in Zn/air flow cells
Page 48
Michael Lanfranconi, Hans-Joachim Lilienhof
Westphalian University of Applied Science, Germany
Research and development of the zinc bromine flow battery
Page 50
Xianfeng Li, Huamin Zhang
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Comparison of a high and low voltage inverter system designs used to connect flow batteries to the grid
Page 52
Thomas Lueth and Jens Kaufmann
TRUMPF Hüttinger, Germany
New flow battery design concepts for increasing power density and market penetration
Page 56
Chris Menictas, Cheuk-Yi Cheung, Victoria Timchenko and Maria Skyllas-Kazacos
University of New South Wales, Australia
Recycling vanadium from boiler ash
Page 58
Gaku Oriji, Irwansyah, Keizo Iseki, Masatoshi Ichikawa, Kenzo Hanawa
Hanawa Laboratory, Institute for Advanced and Core Technology, Showa Denko K.K., Japan
The competitive landscape for flow batteries
Page 60
Anthony Price, Adam Whitehead,
Swanbarton Limited, United Kingdom
Gildemeister energy storage Gmbh, Austria
Opportunities for flow batteries in off-grid markets: profitability, market size and recommendations for successful business development
Page 62
Michael Salomon
Clean Horizon Consulting, France
Towards symmetric all-organic flow batteries
Page 64
James Saraidaridis, Christo Sevov, James Suttil, Melanie Sanford, Charles Monroe
Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK
Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan, USA
Phillips 66, USA
Electroless aging of graphite-polypropylene composite bipolar plates in vanadium redox flow battery electrolyte
Page 66
Barbara Satola, Carolina Nunes Kirchner, Lidiya Komsiyska, Gunther Wittstock
NEXT ENERGY·EWE Research Centre for Energy Technology at the University of Oldenburg, Germany
University of Oldenburg, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Center of Interface Science, Institute of Chemistry, Germany
Flow batteries – the clear choice for investors grade energy storage solutions
Page 68
Stefan Schauss
Gildemeister energy storage GmbH, Austria
Performance benchmarking of novel bromine sequestration agents for zinc / bromine flow battery applications
Page 70
Martin Schneider, Gobinath Rajarathnam, Anthony Vassallo
School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia
High performance seal-less redox-flow-stacks for decentralized energy storage
Page 72
Thorsten Seipp, Sascha Berthold, Andreas Albert, Lukas Kopietz, Jens Burfeind, Christian Dötsch
Volterion GmbH, Germany
Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Germany
Large scale vanadium redox flow battery: fast – tracking development
Page 74
Enrique Serrano, Angel Hernández, Beatriz Oraá, Alba Sanchez,Veselin Miroslavov, Enrique Garcia – Quismondo and Jesús Palma
PVH Storage, Spain
IMDEA Energy Institute, Spain
60 MWh vanadium flow battery system for grid control
Page 76
Toshikazu Shibata, Shuji Hayashi, Yutaka Iwamura, Yoshiyuki Nagaoka, Keiji Yano, Shohei Fukumoto, Takahiro Kumamoto, Takashi Kanno, Atsuo Ikeuchi, Katsuya Yamanishi, Yasumitsu Tsutsui, Kunihiko Tada, Takatoshi Matsumoto, Akira Inoue, Masakazu Morishita, Toshiyuki Ono, Masakazu Niiyama, Takeshi Kimura, Shinichi Kimoto
Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd., Japan
Flow batteries for high frequency power switching in renewable micro-grid applications
Page 78
Paul Siblerud
ViZn Energy Systems, Inc., USA
The German energy transition: status quo and investment opportunities for energy storage systems
Page 80
Heiko Staubitz, Nico Koch
Germany Trade & Invest Gesellschaft für Außenwirtschaft und Standortmarketing mbH, Germany
Optimization of the cerium/hydrogen redox flow cell
Page 82
Michael Tucker, Alexandra Weiss, Adam Weber
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Evaluating 6 years of VFB operational experience in Vierakker, Netherlands (2010 – 2015)
Page 84
Jeroen de Veth
Trinergie, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Vanadium redox flow battery system testing under Washington State Clean Energy Fund
Page 86
Vilayanur Viswanathan, Alasdair Crawford, Trevor Hardy, Di Wu, Tao Yang, Patrick Balducci, Vincent Sprenkle
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), USA
Redox flow “X-Battery” for large-scale energy storage
Page 88
Qing Wang
Department of Materials and Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Flow battery technology: recent progress and applications
Page 90
Huamin Zhang
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Materials selection and chemistry development for novel redox flow batteries
Page 92
Wei Wang, Xiaoliang Wei, Bin Li, M. Vijaykumar, Zimin Nie, Vincent Sprenkle
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Challenges in industrial production of flow battery stacks
Page 95
Albrecht Winter
J. Schmalz GmbH, Germany
Stress-dependent porosity estimation by non-linear structural analysis and post-CFD modelling of deformed flow fields in VRFB
Page 96
Sung-Jae Chung, Ah-Reum Kim, Joo-Hee Park, Sukkee Um
Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, Republic of Korea
Screening of redox couples for alkaline redox flow batteries
Page 98
Alejandro Colli, Pekka Peljo, Véronique Amstutz, Hubert Girault
EPFL Valais-Wallis, LEPA, Switzerland
Modification and advanced characterisation of carbon paper electrodes for the all-vanadium redox flow battery
Page 100
Barun Chakrabarti, Vladimir Yufit, Farid Tariq, Javier Rubio Garcia, Anthony Kucernak, Nigel Brandon
Imperial College London, UK
Solid-phase charge storage in redox mediated flow batteries
Page 101
Christopher Dennison, Tong Wu, Pekka Peljo, Alberto Battistel, Heron Vrubel, Véronique Amstutz, Hubert Girault
EPFL Valais-Wallis, LEPA, Switzerland
Comparison of a flow-by and a flow-through setup for a vanadium-redox-flow battery
Page 102
Lina Elbers, Ramón Förster, Hans-Joachim Lilienhof
Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Experimental study of shunt currents in laboratory VFB stack
Page 104
Jan Dundalek, Jiri Vrana, Milan Solik, Jaromir Pocedic, Petr Mazur, Milos Toulec, Juraj Kosek
New Technologies – Research Centre, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czech Republic
Modelling a novel interdigitated flow field design for redox flow battery
Page 104
Daouda Fofana, Edward Robert
Schulich School of Engineering, Canada
Electrospun-based composite carbon electrode for vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 105
Abdulmonem Fetyan, Manoj Kayarkatte, Christina Roth
Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Synthesis of glassy carbon model surfaces to catalyze the vanadium redox reactions
Page 106
Tobias Greese, Hubert Gasteiger
ZAE Bayern, Germany
Technical Electrochemistry, TUM, Germany
Characterisation study of vanadium redox flow battery and its implementation in automotive applications
Page 107
Gopinath Hariram, Pramila Rao, Samraj Dhinagar
TVS Motor Company Limited, India
Single cell performance analysis for novel titanium / manganese redox flow battery
Page 108
Kei Hanafusa, Kenichi Ito, Hirokazu Kaku, Yong-Rong Dong, Kiyoaki Moriuchi, Toshio Shigematsu
Power Systems R&D Center, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Japan
Application of Nafion/polybenzimidazole blend membranes to vanadium flow batteries
Page 110
Sangwon Kim, Dirk Henkensmeier, Nayeun Jo, Lidiya Komsiyska, Gaurav Gupta
Microfluidics Group, KIST Europe, Germany
Fuel Cell Research Center, KIST, Korea
NEXT ENERGY · EWE Research Centre for Energy Technology, Germany
Economics of the vanadium redox flow battery for home and community storage
Page 112
Sebastian König, Martin Uhrig, Thomas Leibfried
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Optimization of electrode-flow field interaction in an all-vanadium redox flow battery
Page 114
Sanjay Kumar, Sreenivas Jayanti
Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras, India
Advantages of the chloride-containing all vanadium redox flow battery system
Page 116
Liyu Li
UniEnergy Technologies, USA
Miniaturized interdigitated flow fields for redox flow batteries: Introducing tapered multi-pass architectures
Page 117
Julian Marschewski, Lorenz Brenner, Neil Ebejer, Patrick Ruch, Bruno Michel, Dimos Poulikakos
Laboratory of Thermodynamics in Emerging Technologies, Mechanical and Process Engineering Department, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
IBM Research – Zurich, Switzerland
Optical state of charge monitoring of vanadium flow battery
Page 118
Robert Lynch, Nathan Quill, Jennifer Joyce, Sergiu Albu, Cattleya Petchsingh, Deirdre Ní Eidhin, Daniela Oboroceanu, Catherine Lenihan, Xin Gao, D. Noel Buckley
Department of Physics & Energy, University of Limerick, Ireland
Graphene-modified graphite felts for a vanadium redox flow battery
Page 120
P. Mazúr, J. Mrlík, J. Pocedič, J. Vrána, J. Dundálek, J. Kosek
New Technologies – Research Centre, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Czech Republic
Application of porous glass membranes in redox flow batteries – analysis of the influences of membrane thickness, pore structure and surface modification
Page 121
Horst Mögelin, Andrei Barascu, Ralf Meyer, Dirk Enke, Ulrich Kunz
Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, Germany
Institute of Chemical Technology, Germany
Fine etching of electrode surface by catalytic oxidation using atomically dispersed metal for redox enhancement
Page 122
Jun Maruyama, Takahiro Hasegawa, Satoshi Iwasaki, Tomoko Fukuhara, Kei Hanafusa
Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute, Japan
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Japan
Copper batteries for heat-to-power conversion
Page 124
Sunny Maye, Pekka Peljo
Laboratoire d’Electrochimie Physique et Analytique, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Ion-exchange membranes with designed bifunctionality for vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 126
Olga Nibel, Lorenz Gubler, Thomas Schmidt
Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Switzerland
Vanadium supply for VFB applications
Page 128
Terry Perles
TTP Squared, Inc., USA
Unit cell model of a regenerative hydrogen-vanadium fuel cell
Page 130
Catalina Pino, Vladimir Yufit, Marina Lomberg, Harini Hewa Dewage, Nigel Brandon
Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
Comparison of fluorinated membranes in an all-vanadium redox flow battery
Page 132
Jaromír Pocedič, Jiří Charvát, Petr Mazúr Jiří Vrána, Jan Dundálek, Juraj Kosekk
New Technologies – Research Centre, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic
High quality electrolyte support to achieve a good performance of the vanadium flow battery
Page 134
Jerry Qiu, Yanbo Chen
Dalian Bolong New Materials Co Limited, China
A tubular vanadium/air redox flow cell: fabrication and first experimental results
Page 136
Simon Ressel, Simon Fischer, Sandra Haschke, Stefanie Schlicht, Claudia Weidlich, Michael Jeske, Julien Bachmann, Antonio Chica, Thomas Flower, Thorsten Struckmann
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Inst. for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficient Systems, Electrochemistry Laboratory, Germany
Instituto de Tecnología Química, Universitat Politècnica de València-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain
Uniwell Rohrsysteme GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Germany
DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut, Electrochemistry, Germany
Experimental validation of a zero-dimensional VFB model including transport processes through the membrane
Page 138
Katharina Schafner, Maik Becker, Nils Tenhumberg, Niels Bredemeyer, Gregor Polcyn, Ulrich Kunz, Thomas Turek
Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, Germany
Energie-Forschungszentrum Niedersachsen, Germany
ThyssenKrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers GmbH, Germany
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG, Germany
Design and feasibility study of a 10 MW industrial-scale vanadium redox-flow battery
Page 139
Katharina Schafner, Malte Bierwirth, Marvin Braun, Bjarne Kreitz, Frank Schwering, Jens Wiegmann, Eva Prumbohm, Christine Minke, Thomas Turek
Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, Germany
Energie-Forschungszentrum Niedersachsen, Germany
Development of carbon-based polymer composites as bipolar plates: understanding the relation between morphology and conductivity
Page 140
Jiří Vrána, Jan Dundálek, Martin Kroupa, Martin Pecha, Petr Mazúr, Jaromír Pocedič, Juraj Kosek
University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic
New Technologies – Research Centre, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Modelling the distributions of electrolyte flow and pressure in a zinc/bromine flow battery module
Page 142
Sung June Park, Boram Koo, Chee Burm Shin, Dae-Sik Kim, Hyun-Jin Jung, Tae Hyuk Kang
Ajou University, Republic of Korea
Lotte Chemical, Republic of Korea
Network redox-flow
Page 142
Claudia Weidlich, Christina Roth, Ulrich Kunz, Michael Bron
DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut, Germany
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Effect of material treatments via carbon nanoparticles on VRFB performance
Page 143
Matteo Zago, Eugenio Rovera, Giorgio Nava, Francesco Fumagalli, Fabio Di Fonzo, Andrea Casalegno
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Energy, Italy
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Italy
“tubulAir±”: in situ SOC-monitoring at a VFB test stand
Page 144
Claudia Weidlich, Philipp Pyka, Klaus-Michael Mangold, Simon Ressel, Thomas Flower
DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut, Germany
HAW Hamburg, Germany
IFBF 2015
IFBF 2015 – List of Conference Papers
Print ISBN: 978-0-9571055-5-3
Digital ISBN: 978-1-9164518-5-8
Design, manufacture and deployment of a VFB
Page 12
Ángel Álvarez, Raquel Ferret, Maddi Sánchez, Alberto Izpizua, María Rivas, Carlos Sánchez
EDP Spain, Zigor, Tekniker, Isastur, Spain
Zigor, Spain
Tekniker, Spain
Isastur, Spain
New developments on zinc/air flow batteries
Page 14
B. Amunátegui, A.Ibáñez, M. Sierra and M. Pérez
Tecnicas Reunidas, Proprietary Technology Development Division, Madrid, Spain
Recent developments in the zinc-cerium redox flow battery for energy storage
Page 16
Luis F. Arenas, Carlos Ponce de León, Frank C. Walsh
Electrochemical Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, UK
Investigation of crossover processes in a bidirectional vanadium/air redox flow battery
Page 18
Jan grosse Austing, Carolina Nunes Kirchner, Lidiya Komsiyska, Oliver Osters, Gunther Wittstock
Next Energy – EWE Research Centre for Energy Technology at the University of Oldenburg, Germany
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Institute of Chemistry, Germany
Performance characteristics of the Zn-Ce hybrid redox flow battery
Page 20
Léonard Berlouis, Georgios Nikiforidis and Rory Cartwright.
WestCHEM, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, UK
Membraneless hydrogen bromine flow battery for low-cost energy storage
Page 22
William A. Braff, Martin Z. Bazant, and Cullen R. Buie
Giner, Inc., USA
Departments of Chemical Engineering and Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
A vanadium-redox flow battery for the Isle of Gigha: learning to date
Page 24
James Cross, John Samuel, Gary Simmonds, Peter Ridley
EA Technology, UK
Renewable Energy Dynamics Technology (REDT), UK
Study of loss mechanisms in a regenerative hydrogen cerium fuel cell
Page 26
H. Hewa Dewage, B. Wu, A. Tsoi, V. Yufit, G. Offer and N.P. Brandon
Imperial College London, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, UK
Imperial College London, School of Design Engineering, UK
Imperial College London, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UK
Boosting vanadium flow battery operating voltage at high load by 0.5 V using gold vs. carbon cathodes, and exploring non-vanadium oxidants with 15- to 30-fold greater current density
Page 28
David A. Finkelstein, Joseph D. Kirtland, Nicolas Da Mota, Abraham D. Stroock, Héctor D. Abruña
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University, United States
Redox flow battery membranes with improved vanadium-ion barrier properties
Page 30
Lorenz Gubler, Olga Nibel, Lukas Bonorand
Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
Influence of vanadium ions on platinum catalysts for vanadium air redox flow batteries
Page 32
Christian Gutsche, Christoph J. Moeller, Martin Knipper, Holger Borchert, Juergen Parisi, Thorsten Plaggenborg
University of Oldenburg, Department of Physics, Energy and Semiconductor Research Laboratory, Germany
Experimental studies of size effect on pressure drop in serpentine flow fields for all-vanadium redox flow battery applications
Page 34
Sanjay Kumar, Rajshree Chakrabarti, Sreenivas Jayanti
Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras, India
Evaluation of electrode materials towards extended cycle-life of all-copper redox flow battery
Page 36
Puiki Leung, Enrique Garcia-Quismondo, Laura Sanz, Jesus Palma, Marc Anderson
IMDEA Energy Institute, Spain.
Environmental Chemistry & Technology Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Impact of pulsating electrolyte flow on full vanadium flow battery
Page 38
Chun Yu Ling, Ming Han and Erik Birgersson
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Clean Energy Research Center, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore
Separator performance and scale-up of the all-copper RFB
Page 40
David Lloyd, Laura Sanz, Lasse Murtomäki
Department of Chemistry, Aalto University, Finland
Cost potentials for VFB core components
Page 42
Christine Minke, Thomas Turek
Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, Germany
Robust 3D-structured carbon-based electrodes for all-vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 44
Joachim Langner, Julia Melke, Igor Derr, Mark Hartmann, Stefan Rümmler, Susanne Zils, Frieder Scheiba, Dominic Samuelis,Ansgar Komp, Matthias Otter, Christian Neumann, Sabine Schimpf, Michael Bron, Helmut Ehrenberg, Christina Roth
Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT), Germany
Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry, Germany
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), Technische Chemie Erneuerbarer Energien, Germany
Freudenberg Forschungsdienste, Germany
Heraeus Quarzglas, Germany
Power delivery and thermal management of electronic packages using redox flow systems
Page 46
Patrick Ruch, Neil Ebejer, Arvind Sridhar and Bruno Michel
IBM Research – Zurich, Switzerland
A novel iron/iron flow battery for grid storage
Page 48
Jonathan Sassen, Jonathan Goldstein, Linoam Eliad, Nir Baram
Epsilor-Electric Fuel Ltd., Israel
Recent test results of the 5 MWh flow battery system
Page 50
Toshikazu Shibata, Toshio Ooka, Kazuhiro Fujikawa, Syuji Hayashi, Takahiro Kumamoto, Yoshiyuki Nagaoka, Katsuya Yamanishi and Yasumitsu Tsutsui
Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd., Japan
Materials-selection criteria for next-generation flow-batteries
Page 52
Rylan Dmello and Kyle C. Smith
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA and the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research
Supercooled catholyte based on solvate ionic liquid
Page 54
Kensuke Takechi, Yuichi Kato and Yoko Hase
Toyota Research Institute of North America, USA
Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc., Japan
Improving the durability, performance, and cost of the Br2 – H2 redox flow cell
Page 56
Michael C. Tucker, Adam Z. Weber, Ryszard J. Wycisk, Peter N. Pintauro, Michael Bates, Sanjeev Mukerjee, Venkata Yarlagadda, Trung Van Nguyen, Pau Ying Chong, and Guangyu Lin
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Vanderbilt University, USA
Northeastern University, USA
University of Kansas, USA
TVN Systems, Inc., USA
Scotland’s energy systems
Page 58
Seonaid Vass
Scottish Enterprise, UK
Ambipolar zinc-polyiodide electrolyte for high energy density aqueous redox flow battery
Page 60
Wei Wang, Bin Li, Zimin Nie, Vijayakumar Murugesan, Guosheng Li, Jun Liu, Vincent Sprenkle,
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Critical safety features of the vanadium redox flow battery
Page 62
Adam H. Whitehead, Markus Trampert, Peter Pokorny, Paul Binder, Thomas Rabbow
Cellstrom GmbH, Austria
Improvements to the soluble lead acid flow battery
Page 64
Richard G.A. Wills, Muthu Krishna, David Hall
Faculty of Engineering & the Environment, University of Southampton, UK
C-Tech Innovation Ltd., UK
Go with the flow: reports on installed systems in Germany and the US
Page 66
Rick Winter
UniEnergy Technologies, USA
Advancements in the demonstrator of the dual-circuit all-vanadium redox flow battery for hydrogen generation
Page 70
Heron Vrubel, Véronique Amstutz, Pekka Peljo, Kathryn Toghill and Hubert Girault
Laboratoire d’Electrochimie Physique et Analytique, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL–Energypolis, Switzerland
Recent progress in quinone-based aqueous flow batteries
Page 72
Qing Chen, Michael P. Marshak, Michael Gerhardt, Changwon Suh, Andrew Wong, Liuchuan Tong, Suleyman Er, Roy G. Gordon, Alan Aspuru-Guzik, Michael J. Aziz
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, USA
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, USA
Investigation of the HCl-system and comparison to the conventional H2SO4-system for vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 73
J. Baumgarten, A. B. Britz, K. L. A. Belener, R. Hempelmann
Saarland University, Physical Chemistry, Germany
Functionality integration in bipolar plates for vanadium redox-flow batteries
Page 74
Maik Becker, Katharina Schafner, Peter Toros, Nils Tenhumberg, Niels Bredemeyer, Gregor Polcyn, Ulrich Kunz, Thomas Turek
Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, USA
Energie-Forschungszentrum Niedersachsen, Germany
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Germany
ThyssenKrupp Electrolysis GmbH, Germany
Chemical aging of carbon felt electrodes in all-vanadium redox flow batteries (VFB)
Page 75
Igor Derr, J. Langner and C. Roth
Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Institute for Applied Materials – Energy Storage Systems, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Regeneration of capacity-disbalanced vanadium electrolyte for all-vanadium redox-flow batteries
Page 75
Nataliya Roznyatovskaya, Tatjana Herr, Matthias Fühl, Jens Noack, Karsten Pinkwart, Jens Tübke
Fraunhofer-Institut for Chemical Technology, Applied Electrochemistry, Germany
Hydrogen bromide flow batteries as a source for bulk energy storage
Page 76
Arnon Blum
EnStorage Israel, Israel
A vanadium redox flow battery for uninterruptible power supply applications
Page 78
Thomas Buczkowski, Jens Noack, Peter Fischer, Jens Tübke, Karsten Pinkwart
Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology Applied Electrochemistry, Germany
PVC-Silica ion exchange membrane for use as separator in redox flow batteries
Page 80
Mateusz L. Donten, Cana Khalouche, Andreea Pasc, Michel Perdicakis, Mathieu Etienne and Carole Lainé
Amer-Sil, Luxembourg
Université de Lorraine, France
A dynamic equivalent circuit model for a vanadium flow battery with varying cell resistance
Page 82
Petra Dotzauer and Andreas Jossen
Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research (ZAE Bayern), Germany
Two flow battery ideas
Page 82
Bjorn Hagen
BH Consulting, Australia
Carbon composite materials with chemical surface functionalization as electrodes in all-vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 83
M. Hartmann, S. Rümmler, S. Schimpf and M. Bron
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Technische Chemie Erneuerbarer Energien, Germany
Design of organic additives for vanadium redox flow battery
Page 84
Jinyeon Hwang, Hyuck Lee, Bo-Mi Kim, Sheeraz Mehboob and Heung Yong Ha
Center for Energy Convergence Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, South Korea
Fluidic and charge network analyses for the theoretical optimization of electrolyte flow field design in advanced vanadium redox flow battery
Page 85
Ah-Reum Kim, Sung-Jae Chung, Sukkee Um
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, South Korea
Lab-scale VFB investigation at IFPEN – from experiment to modelling
Page 86
Jenny Jonquille, Domenico Di Domenico, Nadine Gürer, David Pasquier, Renaud Revel
IFP Energies Nouvelles, France
Nitrogen-doped carbons as electrode materials for all-vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 88
Hyo June Lee, Hansung Kim
Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, South Korea
A nickel chelate complex cation as a single redox couple working in non-aqueous electrolyte for redox-flow batteries
Page 90
Hyun-seung Kim, Taeho Yoon, Ji Heon Ryu, Seung M Oh
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea
Improvements to the soluble-lead flow battery (SLFB)
Page 91
M. Krishna and R.G.A Wills
Energy Technology Research Group, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, UK
Optimal system design for all-vanadium redox flow batteries considering the power-electronic grid connection
Page 92
Sebastian Koenig, Michael R. Suriyah, Thomas Leibfried, Thomas Lueth, Daniel Leypold and Joerg Bornwasser
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
TRUMPF-Hüttinger GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), Germany
The influence of the graphitization degree of carbon-based electrodes in all-vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 94
J. Langner, S. Zils, F. Scheiba, H. Ehrenberg and C. Roth
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KT), Institut für Angewandte Materialien (IAM), Germany
Freudenberg New Technologies, Germany
Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie, Germany
Influence of ion-exchange membrane features on the performance of all-vanadium redox flow battery
Page 95
J. Pocedič, P. Mazúr, P. Blěský, J. Vrána, J. Dundálek, J. Kosek
New Technologies – Research Centre, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Czech Republic
Use of UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy to measure state of charge in all-vanadium flow batteries
Page 96
Cattleya Petchsingh, Nathan Quill, Robert P. Lynch, Daniela Oboroceanu, Deirdre Ní Eidhin,
Catherine Lenihan, Xin Gao and D. Noel Buckley
Department of Physics & Energy, University of Limerick, Ireland
Zinc bromide flow batteries: custom bromine complexing agents
Page 98
Ben-Zion Magnes, Ran Elazari, Iris Ben-David and Ronny Costi
ICL-IP R&D, Isreal
Numerical investigation of species crossover phenomena in hydrogen/bromine redox flow batteries
Page 100
Kyeongmin Oh and Hyunchul Ju
Inha University, South Korea
Three-dimensional, transient modelling of H2/Br2 redox flow batteries
Page 102
Kyeongmin Oh and Hyunchul Ju
Inha University, South Korea
Oxidation resistivity of VGCFTM electrode for vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 104
Gaku Oriji, Keizo Iseki, Masatoshi Ichikawa and Kenzo Hanawa
Institute for Advanced and Core Technology, Showa Denko K.K., Japan
Functionality integration in bipolar plates for vanadium redox-flow batteries
Page 106
Antonio Rodolfo dos Santos, Thorsten Hickmann, Thomas Turek, Ulrich Kunz
Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, Germany
Energie-Forschungszentrum Niedersachsen, Germany
Eisenhuth GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Chemical stability of a polypropylene-graphite composite bipolar plate in a resting vanadium redox flow battery
Page 107
Barbara Satola, Carolina Nunes Kirchner, Lidiya Komsiyska, Oliver Osters, Gunther Wittstock
Next energy – EWE Research Centre for Energy Technology at the University of Oldenburg, Germany
Characterization of membranes for vanadium redox-flow batteries
Page 108
Katharina Schafner, Maik Becker, Peter Toros, Nils Tenhumberg, Niels Bredemeyer, Gregor Polcyn, Ulrich Kunz, Thomas Turek
Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, Germany
Energie-Forschungszentrum Niedersachsen, Germany
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Germany
ThyssenKrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers GmbH, Germany
Larger-scale pilot plant for VFB electrolytes preparation
Page 110
Jiří Vrána, Petr Mazúr, Jaromír Pocedič, Jan Dundálek, Juraj Kosek
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Chemical Technology Prague, Czech Republic
New Technologies – Research Centre, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Polysulphide-air redox flow battery – a novel solution for grid scale energy storage
Page 112
Yuhua Xia, Nigel Brandon and Vladimir Yufit
Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
Physically based impedance modelling of a VFB for diagnostics
Page 113
Matteo Zago, Eugenio Rovera and Andrea Casalegno
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
IFBF 2014
IFBF 2014 – List of Conference Papers
Print ISBN: 978-0-9571055-4-6
Digital ISBN: 978-1-9164518-4-1
Performance of a vanadium/air redox flow battery (VARFB) comprising a two-layered cathode
Page 10
Jan grosse Austing, Carolina Nunes Kirchner, Lidiya Komsiyska, Gunther Wittstock
NEXT ENERGY EWE Research Centre for Energy Technology at the University of Oldenburg, Germany
University of Oldenburg, Department of Chemistry, Germany
Long term supply potential of redox battery electrolyte from black shale hosted vanadium mineralisation in Xiushui County, Jiangxi Province, South Eastern, China
Page 12
A.Lee Barker
VanSpar Mining Inc., Canada
Guidance for membrane selection in vanadium flow batteries: micro-porous separators versus thin-film anion-or cation-exchange membranes
Page 14
Bernd Bauer, Tomá Klicpera, Michael Schuster
FuMA-Tech GmbH, Germany
Investigation of positive and negative half-cells in a vanadium redox flow battery
Page 16
Andrea Bourke, Nathan Quill, Robert P. Lynch and D. Noel Buckley
Department of Physics & Energy, Materials & Surface Science Institute, University of Limerick, Ireland
New concept for large scale redox-flow-systems
Page 18
NielsBredemeyer, Dr Christoph Roosen, Gregor Polcyn, Peter Toros
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG, Germany
ThyssenKrupp Electrolysis GmbH, Germany
Study of loss mechanisms in a regenerative hydrogen vanadium fuel cell
Page 20
H. Hewa Dewage, V. Yufit, G. Goenaga, D. Aaron, A. Papandrew, T. Zawodzinski and N.P. Brandon
Imperial College London, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, UK
University of Tennessee, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, USA
Development of improved bipolar plates for vanadium redox-flow batteries with functionality integration
Page 22
Antonio Rodolfo dos Santos, Thorsten Hickmann, Thomas Turek, Ulrich Kunz
Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Chemical Process Engineering, Germany
Energie-Forschungszentrum Niedersachsen, Germany
Eisenhuth GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
The electrode composed of carbon nanotube for vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 24
Keizo Iseki, Gaku Oriji, Masatoshi Ichikawa, Ryuji Monden, Kenzo Hanawa
Institute for Advanced and Core Technology, Showa Denko K.K., Japan
Bromine based rechargeable batteries: the chemistry and the electrochemistry
Page 26
B.-Z. Magnes, E. Lancry, I. Ben-David, R. Elazari and M. Freiberg
ICL-IP R&D, Israel
A metal-free organic-inorganic aqueous flow battery
Page 28
Michael P. Marshak, Brian Huskinson, Changwon Suh, Süleyman Er, Michael R. Gerhardt, Cooper J. Galvin, Xudong Chen, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Roy G. Gordon and Michael J. Aziz
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, USA
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, USA
Coordination chemistry flow battery (CCFB) for grid-scale energy storage
Page 29
Steven Reece
Sun Catalytix, USA
EnerVault 250 kW – 1 MWh system: development and commissioning of the world’s largest iron-chromium RFB
Page 30
Ronald J. Mosso
EnerVault Corporation, USA
The development of VFB systems for renewable energy applications
Page 32
Yoshiyuki Nagaoka, Katsuya Yamanishi, Toshiikazu Shibata, Takahiro Kumamoto and Yasumitsu Tsutsui
Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd., Japan
Elucidating modes of degradation in vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 34
Alan Pezeshki, Che-Nan Sun, Thomas A. Zawodzinski, Jr., Matthew M. Mench
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Tennessee, USA
Physical Chemistry of Materials Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering, University of Tennessee, USA
Emissions and Catalysis Research Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Online controlled operation of corrosion resistant vanadium flow battery with constant capacity
Page 36
S.Rudolph, U.Schröder, I.M.Bayanov
Bozankaya BC& C, Germany
Institute of Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry, Germany
Kazan National Research Technical University, Russian Federation
What does it take to manufacture an efficient carbon felt electrode?
Page 38
Rüdiger Schweiss, Stefan Wöhner, Martin Kucher, Oswin Öttinger, Christian Rüdiger, Dirk Schneider
SGL Carbon GmbH, Germany
Improved catalyst for vanadium redox flow battery development
Page 40
Vincent Sprenkle, Wei Wang, David Reed, Bin Li, Brent Kirby, Ed Thomsen, Xiaoliang Wei, Zimin Nie, Vijayakumar Murugesan, Vilayanur Viswanathan, Brian Koeppel, Baowei Chen, Alasdair Crawford
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Developments in the design, fabrication and implementation of a dual-circuit redox flow battery
Page 42
Kathryn E. Toghill, Véronique Amstutz, Heron Vrubel, Pekka Peljo, Joanna Morgado, Hubert H. Girault
EPFL-ISIC-SB-LEPA, Switzerland
Performance and durability of the Br2 – H2 redox flow cell
Page 44
Michael C Tucker, Kyu Taek Cho, Venkat Srinivasan, Vincent Battaglia, Adam Z. Weber, Guangyu Lin, Pau Ying Chong, and Trung Van Nguyen
Environmental Energy Technologies Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
TVN Systems, Inc., USA
Nanomaterials for redox flow batteries
Page 46
Ivan Vakulko, Mathieu Etienne, Michel Perdicakis, Alain Walcarius
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry and Microbiology for the Environment, France
Investigation of energy loss by shunt current and membrane permeation for improving VFB stack performance
Page 48
Baoguo Wang, Minghua Li, Bingyang Li, Shiqiang Song, Yongshen Fan
R & D Centre of Flow Battery, Tsinghua University, China
Dept of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
Regulation of the vanadium redox flow battery in Europe
Page 50
Adam Whitehead, Gerhard Fuchs, Martin Harrer
Cellstrom GmbH, Austria
Flow batteries for high renewable penetration micro grid applications
Page 52
Craig Wilkins and Paul Siblerud
ViZn Energy Systems, Inc., USA
The development of flow battery technology
Page 54
Huamin Zhang
Division of Energy Storage, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Flow batteries for duck curves
Page 56
Rick Winter
UniEnergy Technologies, USA
Temperature effect on vanadium redox battery capacity decay due to ion diffusion and side reaction
Page 60
Rajagopalan Badrinarayanan, Jiyun Zhao
EXQUISITUS, Centre for E-City, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Electrolyte flow configuration in vanadium flow battery, optimised in accordance with operation efficiency
Page 62
I.M.Bayanov, S.Rudolph, U.Schröder
Bozankaya BC& C, Germany
Kazan National Research Technical University, Russian Federation
Institute of Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry TU-Braunschweig, Germany
Model validation for a VFB using potential probes during polarisation curve measurements
Page 64
Maik Becker, Niels Bredemeyer, Christoph Roosen, Gregor Polcyn, Ulrich Kunz, Thomas Turek
Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Chemical Process Engineering, Germany
Energie-Forschungszentrum Niedersachsen, Germany
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions GmbH, Germany
ThyssenKrupp Electrolysis GmbH, Germany
Characterisation of gasket materials for flow batteries
Page 65
Jonas Brenk, Samuel Kage, Jens Noack, Peter Fischer and Jens Tübke
Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (FhG-ICT), Department of Applied Electrochemistry, Germany
Searching for the suitable and best operation mode – modelling and operational management of a vanadium redox flow battery system
Page 66
Maximilian Bruch, Martin Dennenmoser, Joachim Went, Kolja Bromberger
Fraunhofer Institute of Solar Energy Systems ISE, Germany
A 2D model of vanadium flow batteries: analysis of self-discharge due to vanadium ions crossover
Page 68
Andrea Casalegno, Eugenio Rovera, Matteo Zago, Andrea Baricci, Enrica Micolano, Mauro Scagliotti
Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano, Power Generation Technologies and Materials Department, Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico – RSE S.p.A., Italy
Degradation of carbon felt electrodes in all-vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 68
I. Derr, J. Langner, C. Roth
Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Flexible multiscale testing bench for vanadium flow batteries
Page 69
Petra Dotzauer
ZAE Bayern, Energy Storage, Germany
Vanadium crossover in vanadium air redox flow batteries: studies on the influence on platinum catalysts
Page 69
Christian Gutsche, Martin Knipper, Holger Borchert, Thorsten Plaggenborg and Jürgen Parisi
University of Oldenburg, Germany
Polyimide membrane for vanadium redox-flow batteries
Page 70
Dennis Düerkop, Hartmut Widdecke, Ulrich Kunz, Antonio Rodolfo dos Santos
Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Automotive Engineering/Institute of Recycling, Germany
Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Chemical Process Engineering, Germany
Clausthal University of Technology, Energie-Forschungszentrum Niedersachsen, Germany
Modified carbon materials as electrocatalysts in all vanadium-redox-flow batteries
Page 72
Mark Hartmann, Stefan Rümmler, Susanne Zils, Matthias Otter, Christian Neumann, Sabine Schimpf, Michael Bron
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, Technische Chemie Erneuerbarer Energien, Germany
Freudenberg Forschungsdienste, Germany
Heraeus Quarzglas, Germany
Electrochemical impedance spectra of vanadium redox flow battery at different operating conditions
Page 74
Chin-Lung Hsieh, Yen-Ting Liu, Kan-Lin Hsueh, Ju-Shei Hung
Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taiwan
Dept. Energy Engineering, National United University, Taiwan
Dept. Chem. Eng., National United University, Taiwan
Designing flow fields for all-liquid redox flow battery systems
Page 76
Sreenivas Jayanti and Jyothi Latha Tamalapakula
Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras, India
A unique PVC-silica microporous membrane
Page 78
Carole Laine
Amer-Sil S.A., Luxembourg
3D-structuring of carbon-based electrodes for all-vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 79
J. Langner, D. Dixon, S. Zils, C. Neumann, M. Otter, F. Scheiba, H. Ehrenberg and C. Roth
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Institut für Angewandte Materialien (IAM), Germany
Freudenberg Forschungsdienste, Germany
Heraeus Quarzglas, Germany
Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie, Germany
Redox-flow batteries with robust 3D-structured carbon-based electrodes
Page 79
J. Langner, J. Melke, I. Derr, C. Roth, F. Scheiba, H. Ehrenberg, S. Schimpf, S. Rümmler, M. Bron, S. Zils, A. Komp, M. Otter and C. Neumann
Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT), Germany
Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Germany
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), Germany
Freudenberg Forschungsdienste, Germany
Heraeus Quarzglas, Germany
Highly efficient, dendrite-free zinc deposition in the alkaline zinc-air flow battery
Page 80
Andreas Laskos, Christian Zelger, Bernhard Gollas, Aleksandra Gavrilovi-Wohlmuther
Centre of Electrochemical Surface Technology (CEST GmbH), Austria
Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Materials, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Commercialising the chloride-containing all vanadium redox flow battery
Page 83
Liyu Li, Rick Winter and Gary Z. Yang
UniEnergy Technologies, LLC., USA
Electrochemical deposition of iridium on graphite felt electrode for vanadium air redox flow battery cathodes
Page 84
Timo Michele Di Nardo, Lidiya Komsiyska, Jan grosse Austing, Oliver Osters, Carolina Nunes Kirchner
NEXT ENERGY – EWE Research Centre for Energy Technology at the University of Oldenburg, Germany
Optimisation of stable and conductive graphite-based composite bipolar plate for an all-vanadium redox flow battery
Page 85
Minjoon Park, Yang-jae Jung and Jaephil Cho
School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
Wrapping carbon black in N-doped graphene by using corn protein: electrocatalyst for high performance vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 86
Minjoon Park, Jaechan Ryu, Youngsik Kim and Jaephil Cho
School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
Organic electrolytes for symmetric redox flow batteries
Page 87
Rebecca Potash, James McKone, Kenneth Hernández-Burgos and Hector Abruña
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University, USA
Optimisation of the all-vanadium redox-flow battery system regulation based on spatial modelling
Page 88
Yu Wang, Heide Budde-Meiwes, Dirk Uwe Sauer
Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems Group, Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA), Germany
Institute for Power Generation and Storage Systems (PGS), E.ON ERC, RWTH Aachen University,Germany
Juelich Aachen Research Alliance, JARA-Energy, Germany
Tubular redox-flow battery: “tubulAir”
Page 89
C. Weidlich, K.-M. Mangold, S. Ressel and W. Winkler
DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut, Germany
HAW Hamburg, Germany
IFBF 2013
IFBF 2013 – List of Conference Papers
Print ISBN: 978-0-9571055-3-9
Digital ISBN: 978-1-9164518-3-4
A dual-circuit cerium-vanadium redox flow battery for water electrolysis
Page 8
Véronique Amstutz, Kathryn E. Toghill, Hubert H. Girault
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Insights into hydrogen/bromine flow batteries
Page 10
Kyu Taek Cho, Adam Z. Weber, Vincent Battaglia and Venkat Srinivasan
Environmental Energy Technologies Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
The importance of material selection and exploitation for improving flow battery cost and performances
Page 12
Paula Cojocaru, Luca Merlo, Francesco Triulzi, Marco Apostolo
Solvay Specialty Polymers, Italy
What a redox flow battery really has to cost?
Page 14
Martin Dennenmoser, Sebastian Steininger, Heidrun Reile, Joachim Went, Matthias Vetter
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Germany
Plasma activated modification of ion exchange membrane for vanadium crossover removal
Page 16
Francisco Fernández-Carretero, Daniel González-Santamaria, Alberto García-Luis, Mikel Insausti-Munduate
Tecnalia, Spain
Testing and analysis of vanadium redox flow battery – learning from fuel cell research
Page 18
Peter Fischer, Karsten Pinkwart, Heinz Sander, Erich Gülzow, Stefan Heidemann, Stephan Moeller
Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (FhG-ICT), Department of Applied Electrochemistry, Germany
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Germany
balticFuelCells GmbH, Schwerin, Germany
Spectroscopic study of VO2+/VO2+ electrolytes
Page 20
Xin Gao, Andrea Bourke, Robert P. Lynch, Martin J. Leahy and D. Noel Buckley
Dept. of Physics and Energy, Charles Parsons Initiative on Energy and Sustainable Environment, Materials and Surface Science Institute, University of Limerick, Ireland
Operating experiences: scalable and modular VRFB energy storage systems under real conditions
Page 22
Stefan Haslinger, Ilja Pawel, Martin Harrer, Adam H. Whitehead
Gildemeister Energy Solutions (Cellstrom GmbH), Austria
Industriezentrum NÖ-Süd, Austria
Redox flow lithium-ion battery
Page 23
Qizhao Huang, Feng Pan and Qing Wang
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, NUSNNI-NanoCore, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Introducing EnerVault’s Engineered Cascade™ system: results from a novel redox flow battery architecture and use of mixed-species iron chromium electrolytes
Page 24
Dr. Craig R. Horne and Ronald J. Mosso
EnerVault Corporation, USA
Corrosion of a carbon-based bipolar plates for vanadium redox flow batteries in presence of chloride
Page 26
Alan Kwan, Carolina Nunes Kirchner, Lidiya Komsiyska, Eva Maria Hammer, Sergio Alfredo Garnica Barragan, Meinert Lewerenz
NEXT ENERGY·EWE-Research Centre for Energy Technology, Germany
Advanced diagnostics for redox flow batteries
Page 28
Qinghua Liu, Jason Clement, Thomas A. Zawodzinski Jr and Matthew M. Mench
BRANE Laboratory, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering and Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering University of Tennessee, USA
Physical Chemistry of Materials Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Emissions and Catalysis Research Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Field tests of the 1 MW x 5 hours vanadium flow battery system with the photovoltaic power system
Page 30
Yoshiyuki Nagaoka, Toshikazu Shibata, Takahiro Kumamoto, Kazunori Kawase, Keiji Yano
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd, Japan
Development of redox flow batteries for mobile applications
Page 32
J. Noack, F. Wandschneider, T. Herr, D. Palminteri, M. Hihn, T. Roth, G. Cognard, K. Stadelmann, P. Fischer, J. Tübke, K. Pinkwart, P. Elsner
Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, Applied Electrochemistry, Germany
A power system operator’s requirements for electrical energy storage
Page 34
Jonathan O’Sullivan,
Sustainable Power Systems, EirGrid plc, Ireland
Oxygen electrodes for alkaline metal–air flow batteries
Page 36
Derek Pletcher, Andrea A. Russell, Stephen W.T. Price, Stephen J. Thompson, Frank C. Walsh, Xiaohong Li, Richard G.A.Wills and Scott F. Gorman
Chemistry, University of Southampton, UK
Carbon components in redox flow batteries – the past and the future from an industrial perspective
Page 38
Dirk Schneider, Rüdiger Schweiss
SGL Carbon GmbH, Germany
Scale-up of vanadium-redox-flow-stacks
Page 40
Thorsten Seipp, Sascha Berthold, Jens Burfeind, Christian Dötsch
Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT, Germany
Flow battery research to flow battery commercialisation
Page 42
Maria Skyllas-Kazacos
School of Chemical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
The vanadium air redox flow battery project “tubulair±“
Page 45
Wolfgang Winkler
Institute for Energy Systems and Fuel Technology, Hamburg, Germany
Semi-solid flow cells
Page 46
Kyle C. Smith, Zheng Li, Nir Baram, Brandon J. Hopkins, Frank Fan, W. Craig Carter, and Yet-Ming Chiang
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Redox flow battery development for stationary energy storage applications at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Page 48
Vincent Sprenkle, Wei Wang, Qingtao Luo, Xiaoliang Wei, Bin Li, Zimin Nie, Baowei Chen, Vijayakumar Murugesan, David Reed, Ed Thomsen, Vilayanur Viswanathan, Brian Koeppel, David Stephenson, Alasdair Crawford
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Washington, USA
Redox flow batteries – design by the numbers
Page 50
Lawrence Thaller
Large scale batteries – safety requirements for European Union and North America
Page 52
Werner Varro
TÜV-SÜD, Germany
Development of manufacture processes of key materials and VRFB stack for energy storage
Page 54
Baoguo Wang, Yongshen Fan, Weinan Guo, Shiqiang Song, Zhijun JIa
R & D Centre of Flow Battery, Tsinghua University, China
Dept of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
Charge imbalance in the vanadium redox flow battery
Page 56
Adam H. Whitehead, Peter Pokorny, Markus Trampert and Paul Binder
Gildemeister Energy Solutions (Cellstrom GmbH), Austria
Flow battery operating experience: residential scale
Page 58
Chris Winter
Redflow Limited, Australia
Chemistry & engineering to make a good vanadium battery better
Page 60
Rick Winter
UniEnergy Technologies, USA
Progress on the technology and utility-scale demonstration of vanadium flow battery
Page 62
Huamin Zhang, Xiaoli Wang, Zonghao Liu, Xianfeng Li
Division of energy storage, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Dalian Rongke Power Co. Ltd. (RKP), China
Improving performance through advanced materials for redox flow batteries
Page 64
Thomas A. Zawodzinski, Jr, Che Nan Sun, Zhijiang Tang, Douglas S. Aaron, Jamie Lawton, Michael Bright, Alan Pezeshki, Aexander B. Papandrew, and Matthew Mench
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department, University of Tennessee, USA
Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering Department, University of Tennessee, USA
Physical Chemistry of Materials Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Operational experiences of using a 500 kWh zinc-bromine flow battery system in an industrial scale wind auto production application
Page 66
Raymond Byrne
Centre for Renewable Energy, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland
Preparation and characterization of cathodes for vanadium-air-redox-flow batteries (VARFB) by electrochemical metal deposition on 3D carbon-based electrodes
Page 68
Jan grosse Austing, Eva Maria Hammer, Lidiya Komsiyska
NEXT ENERGY·EWE-Research Centre for Energy Technology, Germany
Carl-von Ossietzky-Str. 15, Germany
Towards bifunctional catalysts for vanadium-air redox flow batteries: preparation and characterization of Pt nanoparticles
Page 69
C. Gutsche, M. Knipper, H. Borchert, T. Plaggenborg and J. Parisi
Department of Physics, Energy and Semiconductor Research Laboratory, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Asymmetric structured and highly soluble redox couples for non-aqueous redox flow battery
Page 70
Doo-Yeon Lee, Jung-Won Park, Duk-Jin Oh, Myung-Jin Lee, Basab Roy, Seok-Gwang Doo
EV/ESS Group, Energy Storage Lab, Energy & Environment R&D Center, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics Ltd., Korea
Redox flow batteries with robust 3D-structured carbon-based electrodes
Page 72
J. Langner, S. Zils, C. Neumann, M. Otter, M. Bron, J. Melke, K. Nikolowski, H. Ehrenberg, C. Roth
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Institut für Angewandte Materialien (IAM), Germany
Freudenberg Forschungsdienste, Germany
Heraeus Quarzglas, Germany
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Technische Chemie erneuerbarer Energien, Germany
Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie, Germany
Performance of new generation vanadium mixed acid redox flow batteries
Page 73
Liyu Li, Rick Winter, and Gary Z. Yang
UniEnergy Technologies, USA
Occupational safety issues with chloride-based redox flow batteries
Page 74
John McCann and Maria Skyllas-Kazacos
School of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry, University of New South Wales, Australia
Development of cation exchange membrane for the all-vanadium redox flow battery
Page 75
Yong-Hwan Oh, Cheol-Hwi Ryu, Gab-Jin Hwang
Grad. School, Dep. Green Energy, Hoseo University, Korea
Integration and characterization of gaskets and frame into bipolar plates for vanadium redox flow battery applications
Page 76
Antonio Rodolfo dos Santos, Thorsten Hickmann, Thomas Turek, Ulrich Kunz
Institute of Chemical Process Engineering, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Energie-Forschungszentrum Niedersachsen, Germany
Eisenhuth GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Predictive model for electrolyte flow distribution in flow battery systems
Page 78
Jyothi Latha Tamalapakula and Sreenivas Jayanti
Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras, India
Diffusion of vanadium ion (3+) and proton in hydrated Nafion membrane by molecular dynamic simulation
Page 80
Hwa-Jou Wei, Wen-Song Hwang, Lee-Chung Men Rouh-Chyu Ruaan
Chemistry Division, Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taiwan
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan
Development of ion exchange membranes for high energy efficiency redox flow batteries
Page 82
Masako Yoshioka, Ryohei Iwahara, Akira Nishimoto, Masahiro Yamashita and Masaru Kobayashi
Corporate Research Center, Toyobo Co., Ltd., Japan
Performance optimisation of a regenerative hydrogen vanadium fuel cell
Page 84
V. Yufit, P. Mazur, H. Hewa Dewage and N.P. Brandon
Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
IFBF 2012
IFBF 2012 – List of Conference Papers
Print ISBN: 978-0-9571055-2-2
Digital ISBN: 978-1-9164518-2-7
Metal ionic liquid (MetIL) electrolytes for redox flow batteries
Page 8
Travis M. Anderson, Nicholas S. Hudak, Jonathan C. Leonard, Harry D. Pratt III, and Chad L. Staiger
Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Design layout and operational experience of kW-class all vanadium redox flow battery stack
Page 10
Kolja Bromberger, Martin Dennenmoser, Matthias Vetter, Tom Smolinka
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Germany
Thermodynamic framework for assessing the risk of large-scale electrochemical energy storage systems
Page 12
Sean Cuthbert
Technical Directorate, Lloyds Register Energy, Denmark
Computational fluid dynamics analysis applied to a prototype flow battery
Page 14
J. Escudero-González1, A. Alberola, P.A. López-Jiménez1
1Hydraulic and Environmental Department, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
2Resenergie S.L., Spain
Advanced electrodes for vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 16
H. Finka, M. Rzepkaa, M. Wienerb, G. Reichenauerb and U. Stimmingc
aDiv. 1, Technology for Energy Systems and Renewable Energy, Germany
bDiv. 2: Functional Materials for Energy Technology, Germany
cTechnische Universität München, Institute for Advanced Study, Germany
Deploying the future – lessons from three megawatt-scale energy storage projects
Page 18
Matthew Harper
Prudent Energy Corporation, USA
A stand-alone, coupled solar photovoltaic and redox flow battery power generator system for domestic applications
Page 20
Jyothi Latha Tamalapakula and Sreenivas Jayanti
Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras, India
Practical operation of a 500 kWh zinc flow battery in a renewable energy building application
Page 22
Bjorn Jonshagena, Geoff Jamesb and Nathan Coadc
aJonshagen Consulting, Australia
bCSIRO Energy Technology, Australia
cZBB Energy Corporation, Australia
Cycle life performance of a double component non-aqueous redox flow battery
Page 24
Doo-Yeon Lee, Duck-Jin Oh, Myung-Jin Lee Jung-won Park, Jun-young Mun, Seok-Gwang Doo
Battery Group, Energy Lab, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics Co., Korea
Pathway to greatly enhanced power density in vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 26
Matthew M. Mencha,b,c, Alexander B. Papandrewb, Qinghua Liua, Ahmet Turhana and Thomas A. Zawodzinski, Jrb,c.
aMechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering, University of Tennessee, USA
bChemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Tennessee, USA
cOak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Multifunctional energy storage system FB200-400 based on Vanadium redox flow Technology
Page 28
Ilja Pawel, Stefan Haslinger, Adam H. Whitehead, Martin Harrer
Gildemeister Energy Solutions, Cellstrom GmbH, Austria
Vanadium – a critical element
Page 30
Bill Radvak
American Vanadium Corp, Canada
Evaluation of graphite based bipolar plates for vanadium redox flow battery applications
Page 32
Antonio Rodolfo dos Santosa, Maik Beckera, Christine Minkea, Thorsten Hickmannb, Thomas Tureka, Ulrich Kunza
aClausthal University of Technology, Institute of Chemical Process Engineering, Germany
Energie-Forschungszentrum Niedersachsen, am, Germany
bEisenhuth GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Potentiometric control system for the all iron redox flow battery under operation conditions
Page 34
Carlos M. Sánchez-Sánchez, David Valeroa, Francisco Galluda, Vicente García-Garcíaa, Eduardo Expósitoa, Antonio Alberolab, Vicent Garcíab, Antonio Aldaza, Vicente Montiela
aInstituto Universitario de Electroquimica, Universidad de Alicante, Spain
bResenergie S.L., Spain
Carbon materials for redox flow batteries – an industrial perspective
Page 36
Rüdiger Schweissa, Stefan Wöhnera, Dirk Schneiderb, Martin Kuchera, Oswin Öttingera
aSGL Carbon GmbH, Meitingen, Germany
bSGL Carbon GmbH, Bonn, Germany
Performance results of a redox flow battery system applied to DC micro grid
Page 38
*Toshikazu Shibata, Toshiya Hisada, Naoki Ayai
Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd., Japan
Mathematical modelling and simulation of thermal effects on electrolyte temperature for the all-vanadium redox flow battery
Page 40
Ao Tang, Jie Bao, Maria Skyllas-Kazacos
School of Chemical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
Cost estimates for redox flow battery systems
Page 42
Lawrence H. Thallera, Vilayanur Viswanathanb, Soowhan Kimb, Gary Yangb, Alasdair Crawfordb and Liyu Lib
aConsultant, USA
bPacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Hydrogen-bromine flow battery for grid-scale energy storage
Page 44
Kyu Taek Cho, Adam Z. Weber, Vincent Battaglia and Venkat Srinivasan
Environmental Energy Technologies Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Zinc-air flow batteries – an introduction to POWAIR
Page 46
Richard Willsa and John Collinsb
aSchool of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton, UK
bC-Tech Innovation Ltd, UK
Standardising flow batteries for use by system integrators
Page 48
Chris Winter
RedFlow Limited, Australia
Electrochemical study of surface modified graphite bipolar plates and felt electrodes applied in a redox flow battery to improve the energy efficiency
Page 50
Haiming Xiao, Julian Norley, David Stuart, Ryan Wayne, Deanna Burwell, Larry Jones, Shiow-Jing Huang, Michael Capp, Ian McCallum
GrafTech International, USA
New generation vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 52
Z. Gary Yanga, Liyu Lia, Wei Wangb and Vince Sprenkleb
aUniEnergy Technologies, USA
bPacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Regenerative fuel cells – a new perspective on longstanding problems
Page 54
Vladimir Yufita, Brian Halea, Mardit Matiana, Anthony Kucernakb and Nigel Brandona
aDepartment of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
bDepartment of Chemistry, Imperial College London, UK
Membranes for flow batteries: materials and transport
Page 56
Thomas A. Zawodzinski, Jra,b*, Zhijiang Tanga, Douglas S. Aarona, Jamie Lawtona, Qinghua Liua, Alexander B. Papandrewa, and Matthew Mench
aChemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Tennessee, USA
bPhysical Chemistry of Materials Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Demonstration projects of vanadium flow batteries by RKP and DICP
Page 58
Huamin Zhang1,2, Xiaoli Wang1
1Dalian Rongke Power Co. Ltd. (RKP), P.R. China
2Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R.China
Critical parameters of a vanadium redox flow battery for implementation with renewable energy sources
Page 60
B. K. Antonopoulosac, D. Mostc, J. Kunze-Liebhäusera,b
aDepartment of Physics E19, Technische Universität München, German
bInstitute for Advanced Study (IAS), Technische Universität München, Germany
cSiemens AG, Germany
Office of naval research global: energy research program – information and opportunities
Page 61
Shawn Thornea
aU.S. Office of Naval Research Global, UK
Office of Naval Research (Headquarters), USA
Evaluation of operating parameters for the Zn-Ce hybrid RFB
Page 63
L.E.A. Berlouisa, G. Nikiforidisa, D. Hallb and D. Hodgsonc
aWestCHEM, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, UK
bC-Tech Innovation, UK
cVallontia, UK
Influence of the membrane electrode assembly preparation procedure on the discharge performance of vanadium-air redox flow batteries (VARFB)
Page 64
J. grosse Austing, U. Martin, A. Blömer, L. Komsiyska, E. Hammer
NEXT ENERGY • EWE-Research Centre for Energy Technology, Germany
All-lead flow battery in fluoroboric acid electrolyte
Page 66
D.Y. Liua,b, J. Chengb, C. Gaoa, b, Y.H. Wenb, J.Q. Panb, G.P. Caob, Y.S. Yanga, b
aCollege of Science, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China
bResearch Institute of Chemical Defence, China
Evaluation of treated graphite electrodes for a vanadium redox fuel cell
Page 68
O. Di Blasi, A. Di Blasi*, N. Briguglio, V. Antonucci
Institute of Advanced Technologies for Energy “Nicola Giordano”, National Research Council of Italy, Italy
Dendrite-free Zn deposition in the Zn-air flow battery for the electrical power distribution networks
Page 68
Aleksandra Gavrilovic,a, Andreas Laskosaa,b, Adam H. Whiteheada, Bernhard Gollasa,c
aCEST – Centre of Electrochemical Surface Technology, Austria
bInstitute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
cInstitute for Chemistry and Tecéhnology of Materials, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysts for the rechargeable zinc-air flow battery
Page 69
Xiaohong Li, Derek Pletcher, Frank C. Walsh, Andrea E. Russell, Richard G.A. Wills, Stephen W.T. Price, Scott F. Gorman,
Stephen J. Thompson
School of Engineering Sciences & School of Chemistry, University of Southampton, UK
Simulation of off-grid power systems incorporating a vanadium redox battery storage system
Page 70
Jon Estornés, Sara Corcuera, Chris Menictas and Maria Skyllas-Kazacos
School of Chemical Engineering, University of NSW, Australia
Sandia validation testing of a RedFlow 5 kW, 10 kWh zinc-bromine module
Page 72
Summer R. Ferreira and David M. Rose
Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Thermodynamics of flow battery electrode reactions
Page 74
Nicholas Hudak
Advanced Power Sources R&D, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
An all copper RFB based on chloride rich ionic liquids
Page 76
David Lloyd, Tuomas Vainikka, Lasse Murtomäki, Kyösti Kontturi
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Department of Chemistry, Aalto University, Finland
Redox flow battery strategies – making renewable energy viable
Page 78
Sarah Mallinson, Jamie Kizewski and Robert Slade
Department of Chemistry, University of Surrey, UK
New modification of a vanadium flow battery in Iran
Page 80
S. A. Mousavifar, B. Ansar Dezfooli, M. Hassani, A. Younesi, A. Shiroudi
Renewable Energy Organization of Iran (SUNA), Iran
Cell design, long-term stability test and direct half-cell measurements with dynamic hydrogen electrode for a vanadium/air fuel cell
Page 82
J. Noack and J. Tuebke
Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, Applied Electrochemistry, Germany
Development of VRFB stack and proton conductive membrane for electricity energy storage applications
Page 84
Baoguo Wang*, Yongshen Fan, Geletu Qing, Xiao Chen, Wei-Nan Guo, Shiqiang Song
R & D Centre of Flow Battery, Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
Study on an acid single flow Zn-PbO2 battery
Page 86
Yuehua Wen, Jie Cheng, Yan Xu, Gaoping Cao, Yusheng Yang
Research Institute of Chemical Defence, China
Research of two kinds of organic electrode materials —hydroquinones/quinones in the redox flow battery
Page 87
Yan Xu, Yue-Hua Wen, Jie Cheng and Yu-Sheng Yang
Research Institute of Chemical Defence, China
Investigation of several carbon allotropes as electrode materials for vanadium redox flow batteries
Page 87
J. Melke, J.Oehl, M. Kerner, C. Roth
Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Germany
IFBF 2011
IFBF 2011 – List of Conference Papers
Print ISBN: 978-0-9571055-1-5
Digital ISBN: 978-1-9164518-1-0
Scottish and Southern Energy – energy storage projects
David MacLeman
SSE Power Distribution, UK
Challenges and development opportunities for redox flow batteries
Maria Skyllas-Kazacos
School of Chemical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
An overview of the US department of energy’s flow battery program under the office of electricity delivery and energy reliability
Karen E. Waldrip
Advanced Power Sources Research and Development, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Advanced redox flow battery R&D at PNNL
Zhenguo “Gary” Yang1, Liyu Li1, Soowhan Kim1, Wei Wang1, Birgit Schwenzer1, Baowei Chen1, Zimin Nie1, Vijayakumar Murugesan1, Qingtao Luo1, Jianlu Zhang1, Feng Chen1, Dean Matson1, Jianzhi Hu1, Michael Hickner2, Larry Thaller3, Maria Skyllas-Kazacos4, Huamin Zhang5
1Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
2Pennsylvania State University, USA
3Consultant, NC, USA
4University of New South Wales, Australia
5Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Zinc bromine flow battery – grid substation installation
Alistair Steele & Bill O’Donnell
Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution, UK
Premium Power Corporation, USA
The opportunity for flow batteries within the energy storage market
Frank Escombe
EscoVale Consultancy Services, UK
Report on the ZBB / CSIRO building energy storage project
Bjorn Jonshagen1, Geoff James2, Touma B Issacom3
1ZBB Energy Corporation, Australia
2CSIRO, Australia
3ZBB Energy Corporation, Australia
Design, characterisation and operation strategies of 1 kW all-vanadium redox flow battery
Martin Dennenmoser*, Kolja Bromberger, Felix Osswald, Tobias Schwind, Karsten Koring, Matthias Vetter, Tom Smolinka
*Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Germany
A comparison of vanadium/oxygen fuel cells and vanadium redox flow batteries
J. Noack, C. Cremers, D. Palminteri, K. Pinkwart, J. Tuebke
Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, Department for Applied Electrochemistry, Germany
Substrates for the cathode reaction in the Zn/Ce redox flow battery
G. Nikiforidis, L.E.A. Berlouis, D. Hall* and D. Hodgson+
WestCHEM, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, UK
*C-Tech Innovation Ltd, UK
+Vallontia, UK
Characterization of a divided and undivided zinc-cerium flow battery
P.K. Leung, C. Ponce-de-León, C.T.J. Low, A.A. Shah, F.C. Walsh
Electrochemical Engineering Laboratory, Energy Technology Research Group, University of Southampton, UK
The soluble lead acid flow battery
Xiaohong Li, Frank C. Walsh, Richard G.A. Wills, Derek Pletcher, John Collins and Duncan Stratton-Campbell
School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton, UK
School of Chemistry, University of Southampton, UK
C-Tech Innovation Ltd, UK
Progress on ion exchange membrane for VFB and experience of off-grid PV-VFB power supply system design
Huamin Zhang1,*, Zonghao Liu2, Xianfeng Li1
1Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R.China
2Dalian Rongke Power Co., Ltd., P.R.China
Performance data, advantages and disadvantages of vanadium flow batteries
Martha Schreiber, Martin Harrer, Peter Pokorny
Cellstrom GmbH, Austria
Report on the commissioning of Prudent Energy’s 500 kW, 1000 kWh battery and recent projects
Simon Gray, Eric Lewis and Hugh Sharman
Converteam UK Ltd, UK
Prudent Energy Washington USA & Beijing China
Controlling photovoltaic power generation with a vanadium redox flow energy storage system
F.Canal1,3, N.Martin1, F.Bourry2, P.Besson2, M.Perrin1 and X. Le Pivert2
1Laboratoire du Stockage de l’Elecricité (LSE), Institut National de l’Energie Solaire (INES), France
2Laboratoire des Systèmes Solaires (L2S), Institut National de l’Energie Solaire (INES), France
3Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Aix-en-Provence, France
Zinc-bromine batteries – commercialisation considerations and manufacturing economics
Christopher Winter
RedFlow Limited, Australia
Early design principles and test procedures for redox flow batteries
Lawrence H Thaller
Recent insights into carbon felt electrodes for redox flow batteries
Rüdiger Schweiss, Tabea Oelsner, Fabian Dörfler, Anatoli Davydov, Stefan Wöhner and Alfred Hirschvogel
SGL Carbon GmbH, Germany
Supply chain issues for flow battery separators
Michael Schuster, Fabian Wachs, Tomas Klicpera, Bernd Bauer
FuMA-Tech GmbH, Germany
Dynamics of vanadium supply and demand
Paul Casey
American Vanadium, USA
The impact of the batteries directive 2006/66/EC on the flow battery industry
Ruska Kelevska
European Commission, DG Environment, Belgium
Standards for flow batteries
Guido De Jongh
CEN CENELEC Management Centre, Brussels
Case studies for vanadium flow battery applications
Christof Wiedmann, Stefan Schauss, Max Sylvester Thomas, Alexander Steingass, Lars Möllenhoff, Martha Schreiber
Cellstrom GmbH, Austria
Advanced battery storage systems’ testing – a practical solution for power networks in cold climate operations
B. Muhando, G. Holdmann, M. Mager and K. Keith
Alaska Center for Energy and Power, USA
Technical and economic assessment of utilizing vanadium redox flow batteries for grid integration of wind power
Sebastián A. Arroyo Klein1, Burak Türker1, Juan J. Trujillo2, Martin Kühn2, Bettina Lenz1
1NEXT ENERGY – EWE Research Center for Energy Technology at Carl von Ossietzky University, Germany
2ForWind – Center for Wind Energy Research, Germany
Progress on the EnergyPod™ product development
Rick Winter,
Primus Power Corporation, USA
Organic fuels for a novel flow battery / fuel cell energy storage system
Grigorii Soloveichik, Davide Simone, Matthew Rainka
General Electric Global Research, USA
Aromatic ligand coordinated redox couples and their application into redox flow batteries
Doo-Yeon Lee, Myung-Jin Lee, Jung-won Park, Duck-Jin Oh, Seok-Gwang Doo
Battery Group, Energy Lab, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics Co., Korea
2-D All-vanadium redox-flow battery physical model for analyzing current distribution inside the cell and flow rate
Yu Wang, Dominik Schulte, Dirk Uwe Sauer
Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems, Institute for Power Generation and Storage Systems (PGS), E.ON ERC, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Fabrication of the first vanadium flow battery in Iran
Ahmad Mousavifar, Mostafa Hassani, Yousef Armoodeli, Mohammad Ali Ramezani
Renewable Energy Organization of Tehran, Iran
IFBF 2010
IFBF 2010 – List of Conference Papers
Print ISBN: 978-0-9571055-0-8
Digital ISBN: 978-1-9164518-0-3
Recent advances with vanadium-based redox flow batteries
Professor Maria Skyllas-Kazacos1,2
George Kazacos2
1School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
2V-Fuel Pty Ltd, Australia
Progress & challenges in the development of flow battery technology
Professor Frank C. Walsh
Electrochemical Engineering Laboratory, Energy Technology Research Group & Research Institute for Industry, School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton, UK
The redox flow battery for energy storage and its future development
Professor Huamin Zhang
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Polymer-filled expanded graphite: an advanced bipolar plate material for redox flow batteries
Rainer Schmitt1, Alfred Hirschvogel1, Oswin Öttinger1, Mike Römmler2
1SGL Carbon GmbH, Germany
2SGL TECHNIC Inc., SGL Carbon GmbH, Germany
The vanadium supply chain
Terrance T Perles
TTP Squared, Inc., USA
Carbon materials for the negative electrode of the Zn-Ce redox flow cell
G Nikiforidis1, L E A Berlouis1, D Hall2, D Hodgson2
1WestCHEM, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, UK
2Plurion Limited, UK
Redox flow batteries: electric storage systems for renewable energy
Tom Smolinka1, Sascha Berthold2, Martin Dennenmoser1,Christian Dötsch2, Jens Noack3, Jens Tübke3, Matthias Vetter1
1Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Germany
2Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT, Germany
3Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT, Germany
The metamorphosis of flow batteries
Rick Winter
Primus Power, USA
Scale-up, operation and manufacture of redox flow batteries
Ian Whyte
Potential Reactions Ltd, UK
Zinc-bromine batteries: reducing the cost of electrical infrastructure
Christopher Winter
Redflow Technologies Ltd, Australia
Practical and commercial issues in the design and manufacture of vanadium flow batteries
Dr Martha Schreiber1, Martin Harrer1, Herbert Bucsich1, Matthias Dragschitz1, Ernst Steifert1, Peter Tymciw1, Adam Whitehead2
1Cellstrom GmbH, Austria
2CEST Kompetenzzentrum für elektrochemische Oberflächentechnologie GmbH, Austria
Research effort on flow batteries at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Jianlu Zhang1, Liyu Li1, Soowhan Kim1, Wei Wang1, Birgit Schwenzer1, Baowei Chen1, Zimin Nie1, Vijayakumar Murugesan1, Jun Liu1, Z. Gary Yang1, Michael Hickner2, Maria Skyllas-Kazacos3
1Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
2Pennsylvania State University, USA
3University of New South Wales, Australia
Novel design and non-conventional applications for vanadium redox technology
Dr Placido M. Spaziante
Cellennium (Thailand) Co. Ltd., Thailand
The development of redox couples for non-aqueous redox flow batteries
Doo-Yeon Lee, Hee-Young Sun, Seung-Sik Hwang, Joung-Won Park, Seok-Gwang Doo
Battery Group, Emerging Technology Center, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Korea
Vanadium/air redox flow batteries
S.S. Hosseiny1, M. Saakes2 and M. Wessling1
1University of Twente, Membrane Science & Technology, The Netherlands
2MAGNETO special anodes B.V., The Netherlands
Zinc bromine flow batteries
Bjorn Jonshagen and Touma B. Issa
ZBB Energy Corporation, Australia
Electric vehicle applications of flow batteries: rapid recharging of EV’s by electrolyte exchange
Sir John Samuel
Re-Fuel Technology Ltd., UK
Non-aqueous vanadium redox flow batteries
Christian Doetsch2, Charles Monroe1, Levi Thompson1, Aaron Shinkle1, Alice Sleightholme1, Jens Tubke3
1University of Michigan, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, USA
2Fraunhofer Energy Technology (UMSICHT), Germany
3Fraunhofer Chemical Technology (ICT), Germany
Standards for flow battery operation
Guido De Jongh
CEN CENELEC Management Centre, Belgium
Techno-economic modelling of a utility scale redox flow battery system
E. P. L. Roberts, D. P. Scamman
School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, University of Manchester, UK
Economic aspects of grid connected VRB-PV systems in domestic applications
G. Rimpler1, D. Greger2, C. Kimla2, M. Stifter3
1Energenium Renewable Energy Business Development Consulting, Austria
2SIBLIK Elektrik Ges.m.b.H&Co.KG, Austria
3AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology, Energy Department, Austria
The design and application of a flow cell system
Eric A. Lewis
Converteam, UK
Modelling, simulation and validation of PV-VRB systems
M. Stifter1, J. Kathan1, F Andren1, M. Clarke2, D. Greger3, G. Rimpler4
1AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria,
2TU Vienna, Institute for Energy Systems and Thermodynamics, Austria
3SIBLIK Elektrik Ges.m.b.H&Co.KG, Austria
4Energenium Renewable Energy Business Development Consulting, Austria
Redox flow batteries for next generation grid design and operation paradigms
Raquel Ferret1, Anita Gurbani2, Ana Aranzabe2, Arrate Marcaide2
1ZIGOR Research & Development, Spain
2Tekniker, Spain
Legislation and the commercialisation of flow battery systems in Europe
Anthony Price
Swanbarton Limited, UK