These guidelines are for people who are submitting a paper at the IFBF 2025 Conference. They explain what you should provide and give guidance for your content. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Papers provide a record of each year’s conference and will be published in the book “IFBF Conference Papers”. This book will be made available to all delegates at the conference in electronic format.
All the information disclosed in your paper will be in the public domain, irrespective of any caveats or protective markings on your paper.
You are responsible for ensuring that you have the rights to the content of your paper and associated materials and that you have not infringed the rights of others. You agree that you have the consent of any co-authors.
A paper supports a conference presentation or poster, but should also be a stand-alone document with sufficient detail to serve as an academic or industry reference. If you are limited by time in your presentation or space on your poster, you can include extra information in your paper. Papers should be factual and avoid commercial advertising or promotion.
Please format your paper using this Microsoft Word template. Please do not alter this template, or exceed two A4 pages, otherwise your paper may not be included in the book of IFBF Conference Papers. Please create a separate PDF file to show us how you intend your paper to appear. An example paper is available here.
Please submit your paper via Oxford Abstracts. Please upload the unlocked Microsoft Word file and the separate PDF file.
Please submit your paper as soon as possible to allow us time to prepare the conference materials. The deadline for paper submissions is 13 May 2024.
All papers will be reviewed. If time permits, we will contact you regarding any changes or clarifications.
A paper supports your conference presentation or poster. Please see the separate guidelines for speakers and posters.