Organising committee

The Organising Committee plays a fundamental role in ensuring the successful development of the International Flow Battery Forum. Founded on a voluntary basis and by invitation, its representatives review and select proposals for presentations and posters displayed at the conference. Additionally, the committee advises on key topics of interest in the flow battery sector, ensuring they are thoroughly explored and discussed during the forum.

Honorary Chair: Professor Maria Skyllas-Kazacos, AM

Secretary: Anthony Price, OBE

Andreas Aarlt Alessandra Accogli Bret Adams Wim Beatse
Thomas Beyer Patrick Clerens Jean-Louis Cols Omid Ebrahimpour
Joseph Epoupa Mengou Raquel Ferret Jan Girschik Jan Grosse Austing
Craig Horne Ashkan Kavei Amirreza Khataee Peter Klusener
Philip Krause Liyu Li Petr Mazur Kevin Meagher
Chris Menictas Jens Noack Terry Perles Thomas Rabbow
Thorsten Seipp Kathryn Toghill Wei Wang Christina Weidlich
Adam Whitehead Juergen Wieshoff Gary Yang  

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