The International Flow Battery Forum (IFBF) promotes flow batteries as a crucial technology within the electrical energy storage sector. We believe this is timely and relevant; there is a need to educate and inform a wide audience of the features and benefits of flow batteries.
Electricity storage technologies are attracting increasing levels of interest, not only from those who manage the world’s power systems, but also from those who invest in manufacturing, plant and equipment, project development and asset operation. End consumers are also wondering how their electricity is produced and how it is managed.
There has been a notable growth in electrical energy storage, especially for battery-based systems. However, with a variety of battery technology types on offer to the market, it is vital that the benefits of flow battery systems are recognised and understood. Purchasers and users of battery-based storage technologies need to make wise choices in the marketplace.
Each year we organise an IFBF conference bringing together users, manufacturers, suppliers and academics to meet, learn, discuss and raise the profile of flow batteries. Our agenda is guided by proposals for presentations, posters and panel sessions. Topics range from the latest research from laboratories to the latest commercial flow battery deployments. We have presentations on the supply of raw materials and components, and presentations covering a range of chemistries and configurations. We discuss current and future applications, and debate the priorities for both research and development, and commercialisation.
Universities, public and private companies join us from around the world. Please join us too.
We thank our https://flowbatteryforum.com/organising-committee/ for their continued support.