Speed pitch guidelines

These guidelines are for people who are presenting a poster at the IFBF 2025 Conference and wish to give an additional speed pitch. They explain what you should provide and give guidance for your content. If you have any questions, please contact us.


You are responsible for ensuring that you have the rights to the content of your poster and associated materials and that you have not infringed the rights of others. You agree that you have the consent of any co-authors.


You have a maximum of one minute to speak about your poster. You aim to convince the other delegates to view your poster, ask you questions, and comment on your work. If you have submitted a conference paper, you may wish to suggest they read that too.


Imagine you are a listener in the audience: the short and lively pitches are often the best. A typical script might be:

“Reducing the cost of flow battery system depends on choosing low-cost materials, but making sure they are of sufficient quality. Materials need to last for the lifetime of the battery system.

We tried to reduce the cost of manufacturing the manifold system of a flow battery stack by using a 3D printer. While it didn’t melt (!), we still had a problem with the durability of the thermoplastic. Our solution was to change the format of the manifold. We eventually created a solid and durable component using a matrix of glass fibre and additive printing.

My name is X. Please read my poster, titled Y, and ask me questions. I’ve learned a lot about 3D printing, especially how to make a messy blob!”


Speed pitches will be given immediately before the poster session. There is limited availability for these speed pitches and positions will be allocated at the conference.

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