Battery Passport and Standardisation Workshop

Join us on Monday 26 June for a pre-conference workshop on the Battery Passport and Standardisation, two important issues currently impacting the flow battery industry. Held in conjunction with Flow Batteries Europe, and located in the main conference hotel, this workshop will provide timely and important information on the Battery Passport, derived from the European Parliament and Council of the European Union’s Batteries Directive.

The Battery Passport allows the comparison of whole life costs and environmental impacts between battery energy storage types. It will have an impact on flow battery manufacturers, component manufacturers, suppliers, developers and energy storage users. We will discuss how to prepare for the implementation of the Battery Passport with actions for both individual companies and industry associations.

Our workshop will continue with a review of the current state of international standardisation processes; relevant to energy storage in general and to flow batteries in particular. We will cover proposals for future standardisation work covering electrolytes, manufacturing, measurement of performance, and comparisons with other battery types. We expect debate and discussion on the scope of standardisation and the types of flow batteries covered by proposed standards. There will be a briefing on how individual companies can be involved in the standard making process through their own national committees.

The IFBF has long taken a leading role in the development of standards. An explanatory note about standards for flow batteries is available on our website. We look forward to continuing to help the flow battery industry in this area in the future.

The workshop programme is now on our IFBF 2023 registration site. You do not need to attend the main conference to attend, but separate registration for the workshop is required. For FBE members, please note the workshop precedes the FBE General Assembly and a discounted ticket is available.

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